
Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Heart Week

Did you know that this week 5th - 11th is Heart Week ?
Did you also know that heart disease kills four time more women than breast cancer?
Heart disease is the number one killer of Australian women .

                                                                         Number one !

In case you are wondering this is not a sponsored post.
Heart disease is something that has affected me my whole life.
When I was very young my father died at age 50 of heart disease.
It was a battle he fought for most of his life.
When he died he left behind a wife and eight young children.

image from here
Over the years various family members have had problems
regarding their hearts .
This might explain why I am so fiercely passionate about
the Heart Foundation and all the good work they do .

image from here
Do you know the warning signs of a heart attack ?
Would you like some information on heart health ?

I am not a doctor .
I have absolutely no connection to The Heart Foundation .
In fact I am probably not even a good role model
as I only gave up smoking last year (on the anniversary of my fathers death)
after many years of abusing my health .
But if I can get a couple of extra people to donate to ,
share or even have a look at The Heart Foundation website
I will be a very happy girl .......

image from here
......and happiness is very good for your heart .


  1. I did not realize it was heart week. I am off to my cardiologist today though. One thin I have learnt in the last 12 months is that one should never take their health for granted and go for a general check up just to make sure things are ok PLEASE :)

  2. Amazing post Claire..well done..and congrats on giving up on the smoking you should be so very proud...

  3. Well said Clare! Well done for giving up smokes!

  4. Lovely post. Clare. We all need reminding about our health.Congrats on giving up smoking.

  5. Great post Claire. Have enjoyed reading it and yes we all need to have a check up regularly so that any problems can be caught early. Hugs....

  6. You've been so informative of late :) great job.

  7. Thank you for writing about this. It is so important and you really nailed it. Phenomenal post.


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Come back soon,I'll have the kettle on .