
Friday, March 1, 2013

please be seated

There is something very satisfying about picking
up a daggy piece of furniture
and turning it into

something really nice

and very pretty.

This piece is going to be really useful too because when
I was working on it I discovered it has a space under
the seat that I could file documents or.......
.... other important things .


  1. Wow it looks beautiful great job Clare. With 5 kids I need a secret stash :P

  2. I just love this Clare... I've got a little telephone table I picked up in an op shop. It has the seat and a table at the side with a little draw. I was feeling slack for thinking I should repaint it and cover the seat again (considering it is in excellent condition for a vintage piece) , so I've been sitting on the fence for some time about what to do lol! I'm a pink girl all the way, so just looooove your stool. :)

  3. Just beautiful Clare...can you please tell me the name of that fabric...I just love it!
    I've picked up a few old pieces of furniture from oppys or council cleanup and given them a new life it is so satisfying to see them come alive again!

  4. Beautiful. Makes me happy just looking at it!

  5. Clare, don't you know the dangers of online-ness. You should never say when you are leaving for a holiday or where you hide the chocolate...
    Awesome seat !

  6. Lovely reno job...and a great hiding spot!

  7. Love the fabric, love the stool and LOVE the stash idea! :)

  8. Lovely, bright and cheery, great idea for a hidden stash, enjoy!

  9. Looks great! You have great taste in chocolate too :-)

  10. Popping over from Sew Many Ways! L-O-V-E that fabric! Anything pink really...

  11. Oh I've been looking for one of these for soooo long. Only ones I seem to find though are piano stools, so just that bit wider. Oh well, perhaps a bigger seat it is, you've got me inspired! Love the fabric btw :)

  12. I love seeing furniture makeovers. You certainly turned that stool from drab to fab with some gorgeous fabric and a lick of paint. (and I love the hiding spot too !)

  13. That's a great redo! Very cute :)

  14. What a transformation! Beautiful. And a very pleasant surprise inside, lol.

  15. Visiting from Sew Darn Crafty. This is awesome. Did it have a chair back that you took off or did it start as a stool? Well done

  16. You did a wonderful job of recovering and restoring your sewing machine stool. And your right that compartment underneath is so useful for storing things in.

  17. Adorable what you did with the stool. I inherited a similar stool from my grandmother ~'ve given me some more ideas.

  18. You did a great job! Looks very professional.

  19. Gorgeous! and a lovely stash space!

  20. HA HA thats great Clare, I love a good hidey hole. The stool good fabulous!


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