
Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The Rug . Much more than just rags.

Jodie from Ric Rac is having a rag rug-a-long .

I read about it and thought
"why yes Miss Clare you can manage that"

Jodie very clearly states it is not a challenge
but just for people to join in and support each other .

Pffft !
Damn right this is a challenge and I am in !

In fact I was so in I started ripping a vintage sheet
there and then .

I ripped and ripped because I was in .

I then rolled and rolled because I was in .

I got myself a fat , chunky hook and went for it .
Hook , pull , yank .

 I was on a mission , the rag crown would be mine .

The whole time I felt I'm in and I'm going to win !
Not only would my rag rug be the best and the biggest
I was also going to finish first .

Blogger was going to give me my own space
because so many people would want to see The Rug .

Pinterest would inform me that everyone loved 
The Rug more than my carrots . 

Martha Stewart would want to fly me over for an interview
and 60 Minutes wanted to schedule a whole program
just about The Rug .

As I hooked , pulled and yanked I thought about
how I was going to photograph The Rug .

I really wanted this for a bathroom rug but no
photo editing program could fix my bathroom
and I couldn't retile the bathroom just for these
photos because I had already priced having The Rug
insured for the trip to visit Martha .

So I thought I would photograph The Rug with my darling
children rolling around on it and smiling.
OK This is my fantasy I know they'd be fighting.

Then I thought about a beautiful photo beside
the river with a lot of vintage crockery
and me looking all glamorous and willowy.
Still my fantasy ok !

I hooked and pulled and yanked until my arms were sore.

 Surely , surely I would win a Punky award as
there could never be anything better than The Rug.

It was finally finished I was in !

My awards speeches were all rehearsed , I notified facebook
to expect lots and lots of new people to my page .

and then I had a really good look at The Rug .

Sorry Jodie , I'm out .


  1. Good effort..... I tried once and it was such hard work.. . made quite an effective hotpotstand!!! love your story....

  2. ha love this post, very funny! :)

  3. Hilarious Miss Clare....
    I feel so tired after all your hard work.
    I think you've earnt a 'rest' beside the river :-)
    Take the rug and your crockery though... you never know who might pass by :p

  4. Actually rolling around laughing here sooooo funny ....I would of managed a drink coaster !!

  5. Looks awesome! Now you just need to make the rest of the set :-D

  6. Hilarious, lovely bottom warmer though!

  7. You had me there for a minute.!!! I love what you have done:)

  8. haha! what a fab post!! too funny.

  9. I never said it had to be life size..... but I like how it looks anyway..and seriously you did it in record time.

  10. On second thought, I feel like a bad a-long mother. I failed you... I don't think I even had you on the list.... But I still like it....sorry

  11. Yep and that's why I didn't put my hand up because I would have been super gluing that sucker together....

  12. I think you're being far too hard on yourself. I see at least a copper rag-rug Oscar in your near future LOL.
    Just call it a rag-mug-rug if anyone asks . Sorry, I'm not beng kind. :-)))
    You deserve a 10 for going on till the end. I wouldn't have managed that.
    Dutch hugs

  13. I use to make those when I was young but you just now gave me an idea for my fabrics that I want to give away.

  14. You had me laughing all the way! Great try though! LOL

  15. You had me Intrigued..Great Post and Well Done I'm with Shay..too hard for my hands...
    Looks Great.

  16. This is such a brilliantly written post and had me willing you to succeed with this "challenge" and laughng at the humour! I like what you have done and would make the chair more comfy also you have an opportunity to add to it when you feel like it.

  17. I hve been laughing my head off reading this post! Honestly though, I don't think your rug looks too bad sitting on that chair.

  18. loved reading all about your rug, can empathise with the enthusiasm and dreams-dreamt and spoiled.
    It still looks good, I reckon.


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Come back soon,I'll have the kettle on .