
Saturday, January 14, 2012

hearty xx

I'm sure you've seen these hanging hearts in paper.
I thought maybe you'd like to try some in fabric.

They are fairly quick to make and the more
you make the better they look.

Cut a heart template to the size you want from cardboard.
Trace around the template onto the paper
 side of applique paper.

Cut roughly around the traced lines .
Following the manufactures instructions for the paper
press the paper to the wrong side of your fabric.

You need four heart shapes to make one complete heart
and they don't all need to be the same .

Cut your heart shapes neatly on the traced lines.
Before removing the paper fold your hearts
in half and finger press to make a centre crease.

Remove the paper and start pressing your hearts
carefully to join them.
Make sure you are only pressing two halves at a time.
Work your way around using all four heart shapes.

When your heart is all done you can then thread some
invisible thread through with some buttons and beads .

Please forgive the dodgy photos and I really
wish Booger would stop putting those silly frames
around everything.

Please let me know if you make some hearts
I'd love to see yours x


  1. These are gorgeous Clare! I've seen lots in paper, but never in fabric... and I'm a fabric girl!

  2. Hi Clare,
    I might give those hearts a try. I'm into hearts. Thanks for the idea. Have a great day.
    Regards, Anita.

  3. I think these in diamonds at Christmas time would be divine.

  4. Love this! And what a perfect use for scrap fabric... Definitely going to make some of these! Thanks for the inspiration!

  5. They are so cute. I like what you did. Yes a comment, I feel the same way, if no one leaves a comment am I talking to myself.

  6. Love! I definitely want to make some, they look lovely. Thanks for sharing!

  7. These are wonderful! I have some sewing theme scraps that would be perfect for this!

  8. I love these fabric hearts!! Stopping by from Sew Many Ways linky party.

    Here is what I shared this week:

  9. These are sweet - thanks, Clare.

  10. Love these . Will be making some of these for sure.


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Come back soon,I'll have the kettle on .