
Thursday, October 20, 2011

ten things you probably never needed (or wanted) to know

1. My favourite flower is the daffodil.

2. I am the third youngest of eight children.

3. I never , ever wear matching socks.

4. My football team is the South Sydney Rabbitohs
(it was also my grandfathers favorite team)

5. I am married and live with 2 kids , 2 cats , 2 dogs but
sadly only one husband but I think a wife would be helpful.
We also have a pet python .

6. I don't like the dark , I'm not scared of it
 I just don't like it .

7. I am terrified of heights . When I was a teen a group
of us scaled the fence at the Harbour Bridge
in Sydney and climbed it all the way to the top.
It was so much fun then but I shudder to think of it now.

8. I left school at 14 the above story probably
gives a clue to why.

9. I am a vegetarian .

10. I love clocks , solar lights , books , the smell of trains ,
living in the country , craft and my family.

Are you still awake ?

If you are awake and want to play just list 10 things
about yourself , I'd love to see it as I'm
sure your 10 will be much more interesting than my 10.


  1. Brilliant! What a big family you came from! I too love daffs!

    I always enjoy these posts as they let you know the lovely blogger better x

  2. yes i'm still awake..hmm I'll think about my 10. Was wondering or being nosey whatever you like to call it you come from a family of 8 so how children have you got,just curious,cheers Vickie

  3. Of course I am awake!
    I had a bit of an idea about everything, but I did not know that you were a vegetarian. Are your family all the same? and is it difficult with planning meals? Sorry, Clare I come from a long line of carnivores and I am genuinely interested in your reply. Sandy. :)

  4. I do not like the dark either...

  5. I was just skipping around blogland and read your 10, I was tagged a while ago and did my 10 today :)I agree, a wife would come in very handy and I love clocks too

  6. There is NO WAY my list would be as interesting as that! The Harbour Bridge, really? That makes my stomach cringe!

  7. Nice to learn those climbed the Harbour Bridge....eeek!

  8. You think you know someone and then they surprise you with 'interesting' random facts. Seriously... a python... not sure I'll be popping in for that cuppa now - lol
    Hugs ~ Kerryanne

  9. Loved reading your 10 things about you Clare :) Certainly didnt bore me. Hugs Vicki x

  10. What a laugh I had when I read about the Harbour bridge!!!10 Very interesting things . Will have to ponder these.

  11. Interesting to read Clare. Not too sure about the Python though. I really do not like snakes at all. I think it is the eyes and the shape of the head.

  12. I enjoyed reading these little snippets about you.

  13. i TOTALLY agree with you on the matching socks thing... i NEVER wear matching socks and all the kids at school call me the sock teacher. haha!

    p.s - will hopefully be running another FQ swap early in the new year so stay tuned!

    kel x


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Come back soon,I'll have the kettle on .