
Saturday, October 22, 2011

my place and yours

My place and yours this week is your favourite pincushion.

My favourite pincushion was originally a double layer 
sponge cake with a lovely embroidered doily
for the icing and beaded trim.
One day I was desperate for some stuffing and ripped the
bottom layer apart to pinch the filling.

So now I have just the top layer sitting in my beautiful
green glass bowl beside my sewing machine.

I really need a big pincushion as I often don't look
when I'm throwing pins about and this way I have
a better chance of some landing where they should.

Thanks for the chance to play Vic .

Are you playing ? Go here to add your link .


  1. This is a very sweet pin cushion. Thanks for the link, I'm off to check out the others now.

  2. Hmmm... looking around I seem to have several pin cushions all in use. A non sewer would probably wonder why I need so many, but I'm pretty sure everyone here understands why.

    I love yours Clare. Practical and beautiful all at the same time.
    Hugs ~ Kerryanne

  3. Gorgeous and a great size too. Hope you have a lovely week!

  4. It's funny but I was thinking "WHOA, that's a huge pincushion!" but with the pins for perspective it mustn't be all that big at all! I was thinking it was the size of a casserole lmao. ;)

    I love the embroidery & the edging, would that have been a milk jug cover in a previous life...?

    Thanks for joining in again this week; I like this theme!

  5. That's a very pretty pincushion even if it is only half of it. Like you I rarely hit the pincushion so have opted for a plastic container and a magnet to pick them up when I miss.

  6. I love your pincushion... and it looks great in that glass dish!

  7. It's all very stab in the dark around here, cos I never look either! I reckon a casserole sized pin cushion would be just the ticket - just need to find some gorgeous, casserole-sized embroidery...

  8. I love that idea of a big pincushion. I never seem to have enough room on mine. Pretty embroidery on the top and so is that green glass bowl. :)

  9. Brilliant pincushion Clare...I had a good laugh at your creative solution of taking whatever stuffing you can find...nice glass too!

  10. Ah, yes, a good pincushion is worth it's weight in gold. Not that it weighs all that much...

    I know that exact feeling of running out of stuffing and going on a frantic tear-something-up rampage! I once made a four foot tall stuffed rabbit -- and to this day, I'm still pulling stuff from his bottom!

  11. Very beautiful pin cushion! Embroidered and beaded, WOW!

  12. wow that pin cushion is massive! :) I and it used to be bigger! it's lovely i really like the little jewels hanging off it and the flowers

  13. Oh my I've only gone through few MPAY posts and am having serious pin cushion envy. I don't even have one. Yours is absolutely gorgeous.

  14. Great pin cushion! I do love a nice big one xox

  15. Such a pretty pincushion Clare...I have several but if they are really pretty I can't bring myself to use them!
    Hope you have a great week,
    Susan x

  16. Oh your pincushion is so pretty!


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