
Sunday, September 25, 2011

I heart vintage fabric

I've made a start on my Christmas stockings
using the chenille that I showed you in my last post .

and because I am tight  no stingy no frugal I have
been making very good use of the scraps
and making some little hearts filled with lavendar.
These smell so beautiful .

How are your Christmas preparations going ?

Thursday, September 22, 2011

our creative space

My creative space is full of old
 but very beautiful fabrics this week .
I'm on a mission to use up my new and vintage
fabric that I already have instead of buying more.

This gorgeous lot is destined to become
Christmas stockings for my family presents.
  Most of my family follow
the same football team, South Sydney ,whose
colours are red and green so these colours for
Christmas will
be a very pleasant change !

For lots more creative spaces head over here .

Thursday, September 15, 2011

a tip from an old hooker

Oh come on you know I can't give away those secrets !

You already know I love to crochet and I think
to be quite honest it is because I am so lazy .

I've said before how much I love the soothing repetition as
I can't follow a pattern and can only do very basic work.

Like a lot of you my fingers and wrists used to ache
and made crocheting a chore .

That was until I decided to add pencil grips to all
my hooks and really , truly I can crochet all day !

Yes I have told you about this before but
something so helpful is worth repeating .

P.S. I am still having lots of trouble commenting
on certain blogs if anyone can give me suggestions
how I can fix this I would appreciate it as I have the
best visitors here and I love to return the visit
when I can .
 A special hello to Bri from Live.Laugh Love.Create.
no matter how many times I've tried I can't leave
a comment for you , sorry .

P.S.P.S. I still haven't heard from the winners
from my giveaway , see post below.
Were you a winner?

Do you know I play a bit at Facebook ?
I'd love to see you there !

Monday, September 12, 2011

and then there were two

Do you remember my snuggly , stripey and fun blanket ?
I showed it to you a while back and since then it
has been a big hit at my house .

Of course I needed to start another .
This one is done with all my scrappy bits of wool.
If I can do two rows in one colour , great !
If I don't have enough I've just been joining bits on and
enjoying the soothing repetition .

There are also two winners from my anniversary giveaway .

Sarah who won two patterns
and Kate who has won the books.
would you please email me with your details.

Thanks to everyone else for your interest
 and your very kind words.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

3 years ago .....

Three years ago I shyly began this blog with
this exciting picture of my own logo.
Since then I have ....

posted lots of crochet and

lots of Christmas

released new patterns

and done quite a few tutorials

and a few makeovers ..

I've also done a whole lot of just weird posts.

But I have also opened my blogshop
 and blathered on in facebook.

My business has grown more than I could
ever have dreamed .

My kids have moved on from Primary School to High School
We are still renovating our house .
We have been flooded.

I lost my beautiful Mum .

As a very small thanks for all your incredible support
I would love to give a parcel of goodies
to one of my Aussie followers.

I would also like to thank my cheer squad from OS .
If you would please comment on this post after
you have visited my shop and let me know
which two patterns you would like .

So for the Aussies it will be the books and
for the OS visitors it will be patterns .

Thanks so much to all you for putting up
with me for 3 years !

You really are a very tolerent bunch !

Thanks for your interest , this giveaway has been drawn .

Thursday, September 1, 2011

well hello Spring , it's nice to have you back !

It's nice to have you back too !
Let's get started on making some beautiful daffodils .
You will need some daffodily coloured fabric,
some thin wire , buttons, cardboard for templates
and green electrical tape .

Use the cardboard to make a petal template
the one used here is about 2" high .
Cut out your template and use it to trace 6 petals
on double fabric with right sides facing.
Stitch around all the petals before cutting them
out with pinking shears .
Turn the petals right side out and press.
Tack along the base of the petals without breaking
the thread in between keeping them all together .
Pull the thread to form flower shape and stitch
securely together .
Cut two different pieces of coloured fabric approx
4" wide x 2" high .
Stitch along the top .
Open out and fold to form a tube , stitch .
Fold under raw edges.
Turn right side out with the folded edges as your base.
Turn over a small piece at the top.
Gather and secure the base with neat stitching .
Stitch centre to petals .
Thread wire through button .
Push the wired button through the centre of the flower.
Cover the wire with green electrical tape .

I hope I have made all this very clear and
haven't forgotten any photos or steps .

Wishing you all a blooming gorgeous Spring !