
Sunday, November 7, 2010

a winner and a star (in my eyes anyway)

I have the winner of the Vignette magazine
but while I have you here (captive) I'd like to tell you
about a winner in my family .

My beautiful daughter was invited
to sing at one of the local vineyards .
The vineyard was once a shearing shed
and still has the old floorboards and rustic charm .
Just another one of the many reasons
I love living in country Australia .

My daughter sang like an angel .
Besides the fact that I cannot hold a tune , really,
cats have run howling from my singing ,
I think it takes great courage to get up in
front of a crowd of people and speak
let alone sing .
Proud mother is a little understated for how I feel .

I think I've probably held you here long enough with
my family tale so here is the winner ......
Monika is from Ireland would
you like to hear about my Irish heritage ?

Thought not !

Thanks to all who entered there will be
another giveaway very soon .

Monika would you please email me
with your details .


  1. Oh i can't sing either, so i can totally appreciate anyone who can hold a tune & sing in public, how exciting for her!! Lucky Monika too, love Posie

  2. A pat on the back for your DD. I used to be in the debating team and I always had butterflies before my turn even though there were 3 of us! I couldn't have done it on my own iykwim. Congratulations Monika on your win :).

  3. what a brave little girl, she must have felt all nervous and butterflies.

  4. Proud mothers are allowed. And daughters who can do that are amazing. Enjoy

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  7. You're more than entitled to give a shout out for your daughter - it's wonderful news to share :)

    Congratulations Monika!

  8. Oh how wonderful to see your daughter sing like that, very exciting!

  9. Bless you sweetheart - I can imagine how proud you are and rightly so! It must take great courage and it's so wonderful to see that in young people because we know they are setting themselves up well for embracing life! :-)

    Have a great week darling!
    Hugs! Vikki xx

  10. I cant sing a note either, but I suspect your daughter gets her brave gene from you Clare.

    And congratulations to Monika on winning the giveaway.

  11. I’m taking a punt that you were the mama with the wee lump in the throat and the bright starry eyes? With you all the way, lady.

  12. Yu have every right to be proud of your daughter. That's a wonderful achievement.
    Congratz to Monika for winning too.
    With a name like Clare we would expect Irish heritage.

  13. Oh bless her heart - I've always wanted to sing well - I punish my boys by singing to them. I'd be proud of her too!
    Congrats to Monika!

  14. Congrats to the winner.

    Just lovely pictures!

  15. Congratulations to the winner.

    Wonderful news to hear about your daughter and her singing. Well done.

  16. Hello Clare,

    Congratulations to your daughter on such a fantastic achievement. Singing is such a great gift.
    Enjoy your magazine Monica.
    Happy days.

  17. I get all teary eyed when i see other people's kids do great stuff, let alone my own! You should be very proud of her.

  18. wow, well done to your daughter, sounds like she did really well!

  19. Thank You so much!!!! I am so happy to be a lucky winner:)
    I can't sing and that must be great to have a girl like Yours:)
    I hope my blog will be back, I can't even think why it was reported as an attacked site and I can tell everyone about my magazine giveaway:)
    XOXO :)
    Big Hugs;D

  20. Your daughter is really very brave,I liked those bright pics above...

  21. Nice to get this post and those beautiful pictures of the vineyard. I know you were pretty happy at that time and I'm sure she will make you more happy in the coming days.


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Come back soon,I'll have the kettle on .