
Monday, November 8, 2010

just so you know about Tuesdays on a Monday

As the silly season is racing towards us
I thought now might be a good time to wind up
Tuesday Treasures .
You have all made it so much fun and interesting
but I think what spare moments I have would
be better spent creating new treasures
instead of dusting off the old ones .
My last Tuesday as hostess will be
November 16th .
There are still two Tuesdays until then
so I'd love for you to play .

I couldn't do a post without a photo
and I thought I'd show off some of
my pretty crockery .
Gosh I love that word , crockery ....
I do use my pretty crockery all the time
it doesn't live in the cupboard .

I hope you join in tomorrow .


  1. These plates are so pretty. They would make any table look gorgeous :)

  2. Beautiful crockery! I love sandwich plates, they come in lovely shapes! x

  3. Beautiful old china. There is something so very charming about it.

  4. lovely crockery. It's been lovely playing along on Tuesdays. Thanks for hosting.

  5. I would love to play but I am afraid my blog will be not restored until tomorrow. I love the floral designs on Your crockery, very romantic:)

  6. Oh Gosh you know I have a whole cupboard full of treasures I haven't even begun to show everyone! I guess I'll have to photograph the whole lot!! lol
    I hope you'll start to host it again some time in the new year. Perhaps just once every 3 weeks or something like that.

  7. Boy I've really fallen off the Tuesday wagon - I've sure enjoyed seeing all the treasures though!

  8. I better get a move on. I have been meaning to join in for ages - I have finally taken some photos of my treasures too.

  9. Hey Clare! Love your gorgeous CROCKERY! :0) I'm a bit of a 'pretty china' collector myself and my bits and bobs definitely get used and enjoyed - I reckon that's the only way to go, never mind saving them for 'special' occassions ... I say make EVERY day a bit special with our pretties! :0) Thanks for sharing! Bear Hugs! KRIS

  10. I'm a bit of a fan of old beautiful crockery too Clare, and yours is lovely. Thanks so much for hosting the Tuesdays Treasures, I have enjoyed playing along immensely xx

  11. Nice plates infact this will make the table look even more prettier...

  12. Lovely crockery items especially the serving trays. I love the color and their get up. It would be great if we see these items someday in any "Tuesdays Treasures".

  13. Thanks for popping round to my space :) see you there soon I hope!

    Awww ... timing, eh? Ne'er mind - I'll be sure and post something on Tuesday 16th!


Thankyou for calling in . I love to receive your comments and try very hard to return the visit .
Come back soon,I'll have the kettle on .