
Monday, August 30, 2010

Fast Fabric Gifts - Giveaway Winner !

You girls were fast !
We have a winner of the Fast Fabric Gifts book
and it is Jessica from Scrappy and Happy !
But I did think Quilary was super , super quick 
and deserves something as well .
 Quilary  if you would like to choose a pattern from my shop
I will send one off to you very quickly !
Would both of you please email me with your details .

Another book giveaway next week ,
you really don't want to miss this one .

I have the photo of my shaggy flowers in this post
as it is the end of the month and I don't want
Peg and Kris thinking I'm slacking off my OPAM stuff

I will have the tutorial for the
shaggy flowers up on Wednesday
so that will be 3 posts in 3 days !
(Tuesday Treasures tomorrow )
I'm getting up to my 250 post mark very quickly .


  1. Congrats to the winner!! Love your flowers...

  2. Congratulations Jessica and Quilary - you will have so much fun - wooo hooo!!!

  3. Congrats to the winners - Clare, your shaggy flowers are just darling!

  4. Congratulations girls, what a treat! Thankyou Clare for the beautiful goodies I found in my mail on Friday from your last giveaway, you are super special:) By the way, those shaggy flowers are so pretty. Have a great week.

  5. Oh goodness, absent from blogland for just a few days and look at what I missed. Congrats to both the winners.
    Hugs ~ Kerryanne

  6. Me again Clare, I have nominated you for a blog award over at my blog. Enjoy:)

  7. I can't believe I have won! Thank you so much Clare, I can't wait to get my hands on the book!

  8. Congratulations to Jessica & Quilary. I love your platter of scrappy flowers. I'll definitely be making some of these after Wednesday's tutorial. They'd be gorgeous decorating presents

  9. Congratulations Jessica and Quillary. I'm sure they will love the book :) Happy crafting, Jenny

  10. Your shaggy flowers look very happy, very pretty.:)

  11. Congrats to the both have won some gorgeous prizes :) Clare I love your flowers :)

  12. I LOVE those flowers. Gorgeous.

  13. Congrats to all the winners and Clare your shaggy flowers looks so pretty, love your flowers...


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Come back soon,I'll have the kettle on .