
Sunday, July 18, 2010

Does your husband do this ?

My husband had some time off over the school holidays while I worked .
Each evening I have been given a detailed report on what housework he has done .
It is all done with melodramatic wipes of the brow and sighs .
Don't get me wrong I am grateful that things have been done
 but does he have to act so tortured as he's
 telling me how much he has accomplished .
Try doing it all after a full day of work buddy !
I'm just teasing him really and now
 he wants to know why I took a photo of him with the apron on .
I better go before I get caught !
I'd love to know if it's just a man thing .


  1. It is a man thing, trust husband does the same funny!

  2. Tell him he looks good in an apron. lol

  3. He he ... mine does it too Clare!!! Gotta love 'em ;o).
    Joy :o)

  4. My Mum used to tell a story about a friend of hers, who came home from somewhere to find that her husband had completely cleaned the house. It was sparkling, but she didn't say anything. When he said "Didn't you notice all the cleaning I did while you were away?", she said, "Yes - thankless bloody task, isn't it?".

    At least your hubby is DOING it, bless him.

  5. They wouldn't do It if they really didn't want too...but they always make a song & dance about it...Yep it's a Man

  6. Hi Clare,
    Oh yeah, Men are funny that way!

    My Dh, was an absolute treat while nursing me with a broken leg, making sure i knew even when a load of washing had finished=as if he'd washed each piece of clothing by hand! lol

  7. Yes I have one of them too. If he graciously does something domestic, he requires a standing ovation and large bouquet! lol.
    Meanwhile does anyone even notice when I do something???

  8. Absolutely!!! My ex always acted as if he were performing a major operation when I was in hospital having the babies despite the fact that I would be cleaning until the moment I left. Cherrie

  9. LOL, that photo is hilarious. He is still managing to look totally rugged despite the yellow frilly pinny! I think you can probably safely say that it's definately a man thing but I reckon a little praise goes a long way if it keeps them doing it!

  10. So does mine. But I don't have an apron like to take a pic off, mine are basic white and blacks from Dille and Kamille.

  11. Thankfully my OH has always done most of the housework so never bothers telling me about it now. Think your photo is hilarious! x

  12. I love the way you tell this - and the picture is a classic! It is so funny........... men? who can fathom them??? Hugz

  13. No matter what they do or how badly they do it, you just praise them and tell them they are wonderful. Anything that has to be re-done is completed on the sly... they will use the tiniest criticism as an excuse to not do anything... and it is a man thing... totally...

  14. Love the photo! My DH does pitch in and help around the house on occasion but I wish he would not do laundry--can't tell you how many clothes he has ruined of mine by washing and drying on the hot setting instead of cold and hanging to dry.

  15. LOL, definitely! Although I can't quite see my hubby wearing an apron ;-)

    But standing ovation yes!

  16. just catching up on the posts i have your tuesday treasure, so very meaningful.
    i will try my hardest to add to the list this week...the days just seem to fly by.
    p.s. make sure you pat your hubbys bum for me :)

  17. Soooo glad to know my DH isn't the only one who needs a medal for washing a few dishes, badly :P! Lol, wonder if I could get him in a frilly apron with his jeans and farm boots on underneath?

  18. I guess I'm the lucky one - I'm such a terrible housekeeper (I'd rather be quilting!) that my hubby does housework cheerfully and always praises ME when I do some! It's taken 31 years, but I think we've reached a reasonable compromise on this........

  19. Hey Clare! I've decided that housework/chores is one of those things that 'boys' and 'girls' look at differently. I have a list of jobs in my head that I have to do each week, so throughout the week, I'll do one here, one there ... spread them out til theyr'e all done. My Beloved Geek Boy on the other hand ... seems to think that if he puts them off and no one mentions them, they'll either disappear or mysteriously be done by the faeries. Hmmm ... hasn't worked so far, so the wife then has to NAG! SIGH!! Surely training pets is easier than training husbands! :0) Bear Hugs! KRIS

  20. Dont start me on that one, just been wiping up about a pint of water from around the sink where he did a little bit of washing up !
    he he

  21. LOL fantastic! My housband wold NEVER do that... I'll better get me a doll soon :P

  22. Ha ha, I love that photo of your hubby in the apron. I don't think mine would wear one or I'd try to sneak a pic! When I go home to Louisiana for a visit, he'll call me on the phone and tell me that he's "man cleaned" the house. I know to expect to have to do a thorough cleaning when I get home. But, he does do all the cooking, although it looks like the kitchen blew up in he process...and I have to clean it! Oh well...



  23. I love it! He sounds like a keeper, hon!

  24. Oh don't start me on this one.
    My Hubby is the same buit especially telling me about the kids!
    Oh gee going to the park with the 3 was this that the other....What a whole hour!!!
    Try doing groceries with the darlings! lol!!!!

  25. I have a 21-year-old who wants a medal and standing ovation every time she gets off the couch.

  26. Hi Clara
    Thank you for popping by my blog! I had to say HI and thank you - AND- I guess our darling hubbys are all alike -all over the world! LOL But after 42 years together I just count my blessings! :) I think we might have trained each other.:)

  27. Yep...definately a man thing lol. They like to make sure you are taking note of what they do.

  28. This cracks me up! I think 90% of men are all the same. I'm grateful that mine will do housework but please do I need to stroke his ego everytime. I've changed tactic though and have done the reverse to him, telling him every job I do. I'll let you know if it works!

  29. I would never get Mr. P into an apron. He's pretty handy round the house but doesnt think to clean unless I start it off first.

  30. Ha ha - he is just like mine - must be a man thing!

  31. They need all the attention they can get, those poor over worked men! Tell him he looks like a spunk in the apron, he'll be sure to go a repeat performance!

  32. Nice apron! LOL Yes, it's a guy thing! They all need to be praised for their hard work...the same work we do every day! LOL

  33. Oh it is so a man thing. They like to be noticed helping when they do. I have one of them too. Love the apron.

  34. Yes yes yes he does! I always ask my hubby if he wants a gold star :-)

  35. Hi there sweetie!!

    Yes - my man is the same, sometimes I think he's waiting to be given an award! LOL And I just LOVE that photo!!! he he he... you're such a saucepot!!!

    Hugs!! Vikki xoxo


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