
Friday, April 23, 2010

You really ort to see this !

Did you come to laugh at my terrible spelling in the title ?
Well I've got you bluffed because this is how you spell ort which is just another name for leftovers and in this case leftover threads .
This is pretty much the extent of the crafting , if you can call it that , that I can show you this week as everything else I've done has been hurled across the room in a hissy fit !
Sometimes things just don't work out !
I hope to be back soon with something that has worked out and of course that means a giveaway .
In the meantime you may admire my orts in the jars looking so sweet and we'll all just pretend I'm crafty !


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hey,
    Very cute..We want to see more ort!!

  3. Very pretty orts too. I think I had an almost equally yuck week. At least you finished the orts!!!!

  4. Those are Beautiful! I'm always looking for new ways to reuse things! This is wonderful. Where did you get the little jars? They are such a pretty shape!

  5. Clare your orts look just gawjus!!!
    And those are the cutest little ort jars I eva did see!!!
    Joy :o)

  6. What a fun post and such cute jars of ORT. Thank you for sharing and I have learned a new word today. Happy creating...

  7. Hi, I have left an award for you on my blog. SueXX

  8. Hi,
    At long last I have found someone else who uses the phrase "hissy fit". I said this once at work and everyone looked blank! I love the litte jars. Making some at school with my students. Part of the challenge is to source an unusual shaped jar. i have some dinky round rounds like these that had jam in them.

  9. Hi Clare,
    Sorry to hear your latest creation has been a flop, however you have given me a laugh first thing in the morning and those ort's are quite cute!
    Happy creating,

  10. You've made something that sounds not very pleasant look very sweet!
    You may start an ort

  11. Ha! Too funny Clare!
    and those orts look so cute too. :))

  12. Ahhhh there is a name for it! Thanks............

  13. I'm lovin' this word ORT.
    When the kids ask what's for dinner I'll say "just ORT" [giggle].

    There maybe no finished projects this week Clare but the ort arrangement is very creative.
    Hugs ~ Kerryanne

  14. They look so pretty regardless. Just did a blog post which included a piece of Gundagai, enjoy, love Posie

  15. Sigh - some days are like that! At least your orts are cute!

  16. Hi Clare... Oh well there's always tomorrow! Im waiting to see what you have made for OPAM this month.. its nearly the end of April.. Its always better when we put the thing down thats frustrating us and come back to it tomorrow... Happy creating Clare Hugs Lisa

  17. Sorry about the creative frustration but you ort to be proud of the fact that you have introduced a new word to our vocabulary! Lisa x

  18. So..if 'Orts' are leftover threads..what are those left over ends of yarn called?
    I hate to throw them away seems such a waste and they always look so colourful in a pile on my table!
    Thank for the comment on my blog, I like yours very much and shall be following it from now on!
    Em xx

  19. Hi Clare!

    Thanks for the nice compliment that you left on my blog. yes, the 3Day 60 mile walk for Breast Cancer was quite an accomplishement, but was for a good cause.

    I LOVE your Orts! As a longarm quilter I always have a bunch of leftover threads. I've just been saving them in a drawer. Now I will have to find a pretty jar to display them in!!!


  20. Just thinking with a longer tie on the top the 'orts' would make lovely decorations on a Christmas tree as they already look like little baubles!

  21. Ever since I saw this post. I have been saving my left over threads.
    I love the idea!!
    Mine you, it has given my Hubby a good laugh!!!


Thankyou for calling in . I love to receive your comments and try very hard to return the visit .
Come back soon,I'll have the kettle on .