
Saturday, April 17, 2010

A dear old lady and a winner !

 I can't help myself , make that two winners !

But first I'd like you to meet this dear old lady I found at the Scouts garage sale last week , isn't she just beautiful . I whisked her out of the hall for the huge amount of $3 !
 She even works (although I haven't put her through her paces yet ) but even if she didn't I would still love her .
Would you like to name her ? If you have any brilliant suggestions worthy of this grand lady leave a comment here please and if I find a name I really like I'll give you a Sewing Machine Apron Pattern too !

The ladies who have already won a pattern are Susie because her name was drawn out and Tudy because the first one to comment never usually win !
Susie and Tudy if you could please email me your addresses I will get your patterns off to you quick smart !

Don't forget the old lady has a loving home now but she needs a name and mmmm probably an apron too .


  1. Ooooh, she's lovely, and what a bargain!!! Well done Clare :o). I've got two dear old Singers, one's called "Hester" and the other "Eleanor". I think yours is a bit younger than my old girls so how about "Evelyn" ;o)??
    Joy :o)

  2. I know an extended family whose dogs in include Ruby, Mavis and Pearl. I also think Mabel is a lovely old name although I must say I also like Joy's optiions. Cherrie

  3. I am thinking Sally because of the sale? A real beauty, wouldn't we like to save them all? What a deal...

  4. I'd name her Josie - that was what my granddad called my grandmother and I've always loved it - so old fashioned and sweet, just like your lovely new addition!

  5. A lucky day for you! Enjoy Pollyanna!
    Hugs - Lurline♥

  6. YOu just can't beat 3 dollars....and what a lovely machine apron...

  7. Oh my goodness, what a great find!
    She needs a wonderful old fashioned name....let's see, I loved the mimi serious, Anne of Green I'm going with Anne Shirley...maybe just "Annie" for short! Beautiful apron!!
    Have a great weekend! xoxo Paulette

  8. what an amzing find! she needs a proper regal name, perhaps Madame Stitches :)

  9. How about naming her after Baden-Powell's wife (Olave) or his sister (Agnes)? After all he started the Scouts and that's how you found her. :)

  10. I think Audrey is a fitting name for such a beautiful old machine!

  11. I think she should be called "Daisy". Just seems the right name.

  12. she's gorgeous - as she was three dollars - how about Dolly!


  13. Hi, I also have a machine like that which I found in a charity shop in Seaford, Sussex, UK.
    I had thought of Dolly too as I was scrolling down to comment, but Wonderwomen beat me to it. Great minds as they say. So I shall suggest "Luckie", Because you were lucky to find it on that day.

  14. Lucky you and such a beauty for only $3.00.
    Congrat to Tudy and Susie!! Lucky girls!!

    How about Madelynne, Emma, or Ella. Those last two were my grandmother's names and I love them. Thanks for another chance to win your pattern.

  15. Hi Clare, what about "Nellie" after Dame Nellie Melba- she was a singer a long time ago too! and that machine is a grand old dame! :-}
    Your other lucky find looks like an 'Annie" to me!

  16. Wonderful machine! I have five old Singers now - so far only one has a name and that is Sally my Featherweight 222K - my hubby named her.

  17. What a fantastic find you made , lucky you .I'm not quite sue why but she looks like a Sarah Jane . I've never thought about giving my oldies names ,maybe I should ;-)

  18. I think you should call her Pearl cause she's a singer :)

  19. I was going to suggest Millicent for my grandma, but she looks like a Prudence. Great find! Cyndi

  20. Wow, she's a fantastic find for $3, lucky thing! I like Violet, or Olive.

  21. How about Mabel because she's still so able at her ripe age? Great bargain, maybe the best yet!

  22. Just $3 Clare...amazing find! Lynne of her husband restores old singer sewing machines, they may be able to date it for you..they dated a couple for me a while back..
    Julia ♥

  23. I'd call her "Nanna". What a great find, congratulations.

  24. What a fabulous Bargain! I'd call her Muriel!!

  25. I think Quilting Sandy's Nellie is very clever!
    Personally I see that lovely old lady and just hear "Beryl". I like the way it rolls off your tongue.
    You go Beryl!

  26. I think I'd name her Lydia. Nice old name.

  27. Wow what a Bargain.."April" sounds Good..

  28. Hey Clare! Wow! What a gorgeous old gal you've adopted there - and in such good condition. Hmmmm ... I thought of "Siobhan" (pronounced Shiv-awn) a lilting Irish name for a lyrical-looking, classy lady! :0) Whatever you end up naming her, I hope you become the best of friends and spend many happy and creative hours together. Bear Hugs! KRIS

  29. I think that Mrs. Pierce (said with that gorgeous whistle on the 's' sound that elderley people often do) is such a brilliant find! Well done :)

  30. Beautiful machine and Lucy is her name.(lucky Lucy) Lucille..

    Maybe Victoria for such a grand Dame.

  31. She's gorgeous and looks like an ''Izzie" to me.

  32. oh she is sooo nice I think Grace would be a nice name for her
    hugs Beth

  33. I think she should be called either Stella. My mother's name was Stella and her old machine was almost identical.

    It is so funny reading everyone else's suggestions because my mother had friends with all these names. So 1920s and 30s!!!

    Hope she gives you hours of fun, Best wishes, Carol :)

  34. What a buy and what great condition she is in. How about Pearle? Elizabeth X

  35. Hi Claire,
    You might be interested to know or may even know already that Singer sewing machines can be dated to the exact time and day they came off the production line. My friend Janet recently took hers to be mended and the chap told her that hers dated from 1911. How good is that. They have a serial number on them and they are catalogued. Don't know how you find that out though.

  36. p.s. just re read your post. How about naming the machine Pearl as in the song "Pearl's a singer". I know I have a warped sense of humour.

  37. I, too, have a featherweight and just love her. My suggestion would be Elizabeth as it is such a regal name. I have a book about featherweights. If you send me her serial number I will look up for you when she was made.

  38. Oh, your new / old machine sure is cute! I really like your little placemat too. How can I get your pattern?

  39. Oh thanks so much Claire, cant wait to receive it. I m feeling lucky this week now.

    Susie from
    I Just Love That Fabric


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