
Friday, October 9, 2009

Would you like a ribbon with your water ?

That's what I'll be saying to the kids for the rest of the school holidays as I blew the budget on all these gorgeous ribbons ! How could I resist and believe me I was being careful too . Fiona at Ribbons Galore has the best range of ribbons and if anything it was a little too good ! Fiona is away until the 19th but you can still place an order and then your kids can enjoy ribbon with their water too ! Yay for all the happy kids !


  1. Gosh they are so pretty! Love the paisley!

  2. OMG - I have a thing for pretty ribbon - they are all amazing. Can't wait to see them on your projects.

  3. I never knew these sort of ribbons were out there, begging for homes. I too lurv the paisley.

  4. Great ribbons. Such happy colors. I don't know the expression 'ribbon with you water'. What does it mean?

  5. Nice ribbons I have some from my scrapbooking days you have some pretty coloured ones there.
    Hugs Mary.

  6. Love the ribbons,I just may have to go via Fiona's website to have a closer look :) Barb.

  7. I love your choice of ribbon, soo pretty!:)

  8. i am a bit of a sucker for ribbon too. i had a roll of little gingerbread men in my hands and put it has been on my mind ever since so i think it shall be coming home with me next time i am out :)

  9. hi, thanks for your kind comment on my blog! Those ribbons are gorgeous
    : )

  10. No wonder you could not resist! What do you have in minds for those lovelies?

  11. Clare whatt have you had in your water???
    You crazy gal!
    But Yep They are gorgeous assortments of Ribbons/
    I should find the ones I bought And post them.
    They were good too.
    Just can't find them since I unpacked the darlings!

  12. I wish you hadn't given the link - cause now I've popped over there and want half the shop...

  13. Hey Clare! Uh oh!! Looks like I'm not the only one to blow the budget this week! Tee! Hee! Hee! Your ribbons are so pretty - I probably couldn't bring myself to use them and would just take them out from time to time to fondle and admire, never actually using them - oops! :0) Hope you're having a great weekend! Bear Hugs! KRIS

  14. Great ribbons Clare! Your ribbon with water comment reminded me of my father. The ongoing joke between us was I would ask for a milkshake or coke float etc. and he would offer a pine float---a toothpick floating in a glass of water.

  15. I've had a couple of quick looks at her site - then I run away - far too dangerous for me I say!
    They are beautiful, I love the birds one best of all!

  16. Oh Wow. They are beautiful, you could have some fun with all those!

  17. Clare those ribbons are fabulous, thank you so much for the link. P.S. I also love your very warm words under 'Leave your comment' very welcoming.

  18. Life is about making the hard decisions Clare!

  19. I'm not sure I need to know about that link. Great ribbons.

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