
Sunday, October 11, 2009

Christmas Ornament Swap Ideas

There's still time to sign up at Daisy Quilts to join in for Christmas Ornament Swap .

I made a heap of these little cushiony things for family members last year . I know you are thinking mmm what a nice little thing to attach to a gift , well sorry these were the gifts !

It has become a bit of a tradition that my siblings , all 7 of them , receive a new handmade ornament from me . I must get started on this years soon !

Don't forget to see Robyn about signing up for the swap !


  1. It is a lovely little gift idea and Alot of work often goes into little things!
    Hey I need some no sew!

  2. that's a lovely tradition Clare..i'd love to receive a handmade Chrissy ornament every year & i'm really thrilled to be part of the swap. The hardest part is gonna be deciding what to make coz i've got a ton of ideas running amok inside my head..i know i'll make a few and send off the cutest one lol!!..btw thanks for your lovely comment on my breadbin post :) cheers, Marian

  3. You are so clever oh so cute
    Hugs Bec

  4. Hi Clare!! :D
    Guess what?! That's exactly what our families do too!
    Our special Christmas decorations are our christmas gifts and I wouldn't have it any other way... Every Christmas when we hang them on our tree they bring memmories and thoughts of our family with them!
    I love this tradition :D
    Robyn xx

  5. What a great little ornament.

    I have given ornaments to my family in the past but just ran out steam these last few Christmases. I think it is time I got back into the swing of things.

  6. Very pretty! My daughter wants a handmade every year too.

  7. Love the idea of giving home made ornaments! I have a friend who does that - they are great to get out each year.

  8. Great idea to start with something handmade.

  9. It is so hard to believe that Chirstmas will be here so soon. What a nice tradition you have, giving Christas ornaments. Maybe i will start that with my boys....

  10. What a lovely tradition!! I try to make something as our gifts to the family every year, but usually run out of time... so thank you for these quick and great ideas!!

    Thanks also for visiting my blog xx

  11. Hi Clare, love your Christmas idea...I have joined the Christmas Ornament Swap and looking forward to it...hugs lyn

  12. I love homemade ornaments as gifts. I try to give them to people I know will appreciate them too.
    Hugs ~ Kerryanne

  13. Your star ornament is so pretty, and it reminds me I should get started on Christmas projects!

  14. Hi, i just want to say, you have a nice ornaments. Thanks for sharing!

    Christmas Decorations


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