
Monday, September 7, 2009

Warning ! Spring cleaning is bad for the environment!

Yes you read that right ! I do have proof .

As Spring has sprung I keep hearing about everyone getting a burst of enthusiasm to clean their homes . I don't like to be left out of anything so I began with my front loungeroom window .

I cleaned it so beautifully it shined . Of course I needed (praise) to show my family so before school this morning I sat the children down for the grand reveal . As you may have gathered if you read my blog , I am a real pain in the neck to my kids , I know I see all their eye rolling !

Anyway with lots of fanfare, a bit of a flourish and a bit of a ta da I whipped the curtains back ....

CRASH !!! Just as I pulled back the curtains one of our beautiful Australian native birds came smacking into the window ! The poor thing bounced back into the tree outside and before I had a chance to check if it left dirt on my clean glass my son had jumped out the window to rescue it .

It was fine and flew off happily not long after .(probably smirking cause it stole my thunder)

So that's it then , no more cleaning for me . Maybe I should just stick to craft !


  1. Hee...heee...Yep see good cause for no more cleaning!
    I giggled though at the image of the Grand reval and then "doof" !
    Silly Rosella

  2. Oh no!!!!@ Poor birdy, I'm sniggering though. Don't let that discourage you, maybe get onto something less of a hazard, clean out some drawers.

  3. Lol. But i d agree with no more cleaning & more craft. :) Hugs.

  4. No more cleaning, stick to crafting. I think you will get the hands up on that one!

  5. My Mum had the same problem at her house so she never cleans her front window anymore, you can't have poor little birds injuring themselves. Cleaning is just not worth it!(lol)

  6. Totally agree No more cleaning for me either

  7. I hear that stickers on the nice, shiny window can sometimes help those birdies from crashing. But if you don't want to clean the windows, that's okay, too!

    It's not spring here, but I've been bit by a cleaning bug. The clutter got so bad I couldn't get any work done!

  8. Oh no - poor bird! That's exactly why I never wash my windows! :O)

    Thanks for visiting my blog and taking the time to leave a comment. It's nice to meet you.

  9. Last time a bird crashed into my window it fell to the ground stunned then I spied the neighbourhood cat coming for it, so it was a stand off between the cat and I seeing who was going to have the poor bird. I got him and rescued him that time, but gee the cat was not backing down.

  10. Well let that be a lesson to you young lady. That's a message from the Universe telling you that you're not meant to have clean windows. It's a danger to birdlife. (Beautiful bird by the way - we have nothing so colourful in our garden!) x

  11. I'm with you, no point cleaning if it is a hazard to the environment. Hope your enjoyed looking out your clean window and more importantly got some work done in your craft room. Thanks for the Giggle.

  12. Oh Clare there is a reason why dirt sticks to windows and this is it. I have had this happen so many time and the worst was when the bird slide down the window, it was just like in a cartoon at the time.
    Big Hugs

  13. It did make me laugh, although I felt sorry for the bird. Just goes to show, window cleaning is bad for the wildlife! Glad I don't need to clean my windows now.... heeheeheehee

  14. I agree wholeheartedly Clare. Why would anyone clean when they can craft! Especially with that risk to the wildlife. :))

  15. Wow, that's incredible timing!!
    Oh poor birdie and I Spring cleaning and I think I should support you in your endeavour to save our wildlife :D

    Is it a Lorikeet or a Rosella? ..or something else? So pretty!

  16. Having already reduced my cleaning activities to an absolute minimum this is the last straw to give it up at all.

  17. Poor little dear! That has happened to me also and I thought someone had thrown a ball or something. Amazing that the window did not break!
    Well, another great reason not to spring clean LOL!

  18. Thanks Clare ... now I've got an excuse - housework is clearly dangerous to wildlife LOL (poor little thing, glad he's ok)!!!
    Joy :o)

  19. That is a very clear sign to stop cleaning your windows... a sign, a message from nature. You must listen.


  20. Hi Clare,
    Oh, I was wondering why you started with the beautiful bird photo when your header was Spring Cleaning. I'm so glad the bird was ok.
    Hm, good excuse to go back into your studio!

  21. I would definitely keep cleaning to a minimum, while keeping crafting to a maximum.
    Nice to meet someone from my neck of the woods. Although i am in Melbourne now i will always be a Wagga girl(and my Dad is a Tumba boy)

  22. Oh my, so glad you saved it. Probably stunned a little poor little thing.

  23. oh i will send claudia right round to smudge your clean windows with whatever it is she keeps puttin on my back sliding door!! that way i will be saving your birds :)

  24. Glad the bird is okay. I think I need to print this out so I have and excuse ;)

  25. Loved to read this. Now I don't have to feel so bad when the sun is shining and I look through my windows. LOL

  26. Oh poor birdie but I'm glad it's ok! I just postd a pic of my Frances Frog on my blog!

  27. Great story! I love that you assembled your family for the big reveal. My windows are embarrasingly dirty but the birds still think they can fly through them!

  28. I've been waiting about 6 weeks now til the weather fined up before cleaning my windows, should I steer clear?

    I do LOVE crystal clear windows though....especially when you look out on native trees and birds like I do.

  29. LOL - it was too clean for it - that is a cracker - good luck with the crafting then:)

  30. That's it! I will never clean my windows that well ever again. I'd hate to hurt nature. I will therefore explain to my husband your experience so he will understand. LOL

  31. That bird is absolutley beautiful. Our windows have stayed very dirty all summer. Just never made it to the top of the "to do" list. Dogwood


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