
Friday, September 11, 2009

The return of Daisy (naughty doll )

Do you remember not long ago I told you about the magazine that wanted to publish my doll Daisy and she had vanished , poof ! I searched high and low for her and had to inform the magazine editor in my most professional manner "der , sorry I've lost her !"
Well guess who has turned up and guess where she's been ? Little Miss Daisy has been sitting in the offices at Express Publications , the same magazine that wanted to publish her ! She popped out of the box quite happily yesterday along with other items returned from the magazine . That's it for her , now she's grounded !
I was in the Vinnies at a nearby town yesterday when I came across this mountain of upholstery fabric, there was about 12m for $5!!! Grinning all the way to the counter I went to pay for it when the lady told me she thought there may be some more of it out the back . She returned with another even bigger mountain of it , again $5!!! I now have 30m of fabric for the princely sum of $10. This fabric is just perfect for curtains for The Craftroom . Now here's where I need to be honest with you ...I have had the fabric for my bedroom curtains for almost 5 years draped over the rods in my bedroom , no not sewn just draped . I really hate making curtains (so boring) and because I don't like the fabric for my bedroom ones I really couldn't be bothered doing them so now I've had to promise myself I'll finish the bedroom ones before I start on the important ones , sigh......

Because I saved so much on my curtain fabric I can now justify my latest Ebay purchase , can't I ?


  1. It is always the best feeling to get a bargain!
    And yours was a double whammmy bargain!

  2. she ought to be grounded, shame on her....what was she thinking running off that like? love your bargain fabric.

  3. I say nose in the corner for an hour....loved the fabrics.

  4. The naughty spot for Daisy! All that fabulous fabric was a great bargain and so bright for a craft room too. Love the Ebay purchases, especially those granny smiths!

  5. Oh, that naughty girl! And look at the big smile on her you think maybe she's been up to other mischief while she was out gallivanting (laughing)?

    Looks like wonderful and cheery fabric for curtains. And don't feel guilty...I have a piece of fabric thumb tacked over a window because I never seem to have time to sew a curtain for it...and of course, can't just go out and buy one. This cheery fabric ought to get you motivated, though!

  6. naughty doll!!
    how funny tho
    lovely fabrics!!

  7. Oh,oh, a naughty chair for Daisy, but not to long. I'm sure she's sorry. What a good buy, all those lovely fabrics.

  8. Ohhh DH was standing behind me as I'm reading your blog. I did get the 40 questiond was I the same when it came to fabric and I had to say YES. What a find good luck with the curtains.
    Big Hugs

  9. Hi Clare,
    Oh yeah, I like the way you think.
    Save on curtains, spend more on fabrics.

    Naughty Daisy, don't be too hard on her. I'm sure she would have phoned from Express Publications if she wasn't locked in a box.LOL
    Have a good weekend.
    Happy Sewing.

  10. hi there :)
    love the fabrics from ebay.. where did you get them?
    Candice :)

  11. are you teasing me with that babushka fabric?? it would make THE most perfect bunting!!!! not that i know how to make bunting but.... one day
    %*_*% glad to see that daisy arrived home (little tart)

  12. those are great fabric finds esp the babushka one! glad to see daisy come back home. :)

  13. Oh what a naughty doll! Fancy being there and them asking to publish her while she was there? Most strange!
    Great bargain you got with the fabric :) Love your Ebay purchases. :) hugs

  14. Amazing fabrics - now for the curtains, good luck. Lots of motivation in the fun stuff. Welcome home Daisy!

  15. I think your post title should be:

    Express Publications Returned Daisy (naughty them)

    I can't believe the stress they caused you when Daisy was there all along. Aggghhh. At least she has come home safely. Nice find at the Op Shop and it definately justifies your eBay shopping.

  16. I remember Daisy getting lost. So good to see her back. Don't ground her too long. Love your Ebay purchases!!!
    Have a lovely weekend.

  17. what a bad girl! you better keep an eye on her at all times LOL

    Love your bargain to make curtains!!

  18. Don't loose her again. Daisy is way too cute! Great buys. I am trying to imagine what you can do with 30 m of fabric.......

  19. Hi Clare :)
    Thanks for commenting on my post and for getting back to me about the fabric :) Had a look at her store on ebay.. so much lovely stuff!!! eekk
    Hope you are having a nice weekend..

  20. That doll is so precious! And, I love everything in your shop. You are a very talented lady
    Thanks for stopping by my blog. I am a new blogger and having soooo much fun!
    Have a great weekend. Dogwood
    PS Darling, happy fabrics!

  21. Greetings Clare!!

    Thank you ever so much for dropping by my little corner of Bloglandia!!!

    Glad to hear that the "prodigal" child has wandered home :) Gads do I feel for you!! That's the kind of self bribery I have resorted to so that I get the 20 beach/grocery bags made for my daughter's wedding in less then 2 months now!!!!

    Pattie ;)
    Mazatlan Mx.

  22. Silly Dolly...Ooooh! such cute fabric. Great buy!

  23. Nauhty Daisy,.... not letting her mummy know where she was.... he he teengagers! Thanks for stopping by my blog.....Love the Bargain... Curtains are easy...all straight sewing.. no corners....
    Hugs Dawn x

  24. Gotta luv a bargain - ebay purchases are very cute too.

  25. Love your dolly! and thanks for the birthday wishes.

  26. the doll is lovely :) and the fabrics are absolutely gorgeous!

  27. Thanks for visiting my Blog and your nice comment. Don't you just love getting great deals on fabric!? I love the fabric you got on Ebay too. Enjoyed your blog!

  28. I have similar curtain issues at ours hehe, I also hate making them!Thanks for your lovely greeting on my blog, lovely to visit yours also!

  29. So glad Daisy came home safe and sound... and what a bargain with the uphostlery fabric! Of course that means money saved is money spent elsewhere - those fabrics are so cute! Love the one with the babushka dolls...

    Good luck with the curtains!

  30. What a stash. I'm never quite that lucky. Love the fabric. Thanks for visiting my blog.

  31. Lovely lovely fabrics! How funny about the doll!

  32. I say yes to justifying fabric purchases ALL THE TIME! Nice choice too. thanks for your support over at my blog. it's appreciated. cheers e

  33. Hi Clare,I'm sure Daisy was only trying to be helpful, she knew she needed to be at Express Publications so just made her way there somehow so you wouldn't need to worry. That little girl doesn't have a naughty bone in her body!!

  34. Oh glad she turned up again!!! Love getting a bargain, all the best making curtains, they are boring arent' they. Nice fabrics though xo

  35. So, where was she all that time??? Inquiring minds want to know!

  36. now that is a serious bargain! wow

  37. Great purchases Clare! As for the bedroom curtains, they say you should hang curtains before hemming them but I think that is a bit over done now. LOL!
    Hope you get these ones made....


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