
Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Mrs Miller's New Bag

Even though it's Micheal Miller fabric I don't think he'd be carrying this little number around .

How much fun it was working with "proper" fabric . There was no agonising over the colour selections and all the testing and fiddling with different fabrics to see if they really go together .

I did not hassle one family member with the usual thrusting of bits of fabric into their faces demanding to know what they thought of the combination . Not once did I abruptly bolt from my chair at teatime and run from the room mumbling about maybe this colour might be better . I even sat in the loungeroom without fabric draped over the side of the chair to compare in different lights .

I sort of missed all that stuff though .......

I love my new bag it was fun to make and I think it's a great size . Not really sure whether it will become a pattern , what do you think ?

Happy Spring !


  1. Nice work Clare. And I reckon Mr Miller would carry it but maybe underneath a big coat, so that only you and he knew it was there!

  2. I think it's adorable and a great bag! And I wouldn't be at all surprised if M.Miller decided to tote one in this likeness around with him. Maybe you should send him one! LOL

  3. The bag is scrumtious! Mr. Miller would be proud. It really showcases his fabrics.

  4. Sometimes it's great to have someone else do all the thinking for you when it comes to fabric choices. I wish I was better at it!

  5. Hi Clare,
    Oh, Mrs Miller's bag is just divine.
    Well done. Yeah, you should make a pattern for it.

  6. Oh so cute and I'm sure it would make a great pattern. I guess you never know about Mr Miller he may like a little bag (opps sorry man bag in his case)
    Big Hugs

  7. Love it!!
    Now that I do not carry a 50 kilo nappy bag everywhere,I am getting back into bags.
    Colors work perfectly!

  8. Looks great...I have some of that yummy fabric is fun playing with fabrics but it is quicker to work with a range...the result looks gorgeous too!

  9. Oh yes! I do like that one Clare. It would make a great pattern; much scope for varying embellishments etc. Very nice.

  10. Hi Clare, I love your bag!!! The fabrics are delicious; you have done a great job, well done!!

  11. What a cute bag! By all means make it a pattern. It's quite different than anything I have seen.

  12. The bag is gorgeous. Maybe you should make one without using "proper"fabrics, just to challenge yourself. Seeing as you missed the process and all! Love to see what you come up with.

  13. As always what you have produced is lovely Clare :) I think you should try it in different fabrics too ....cant make something without the fuss and ado that normally goes with making something :)hugs Vicki

  14. This is a sweet bag and it would be lovely if it were available as a pattern. Lisa

    PS thanks for reading my blog and your well wishes for sick little Ella. She is all better now. :)

  15. I think its really sweet. Your fabric selection was perfect. We always doubt ourselves don't we.

  16. I love it!
    It's so fresh and pretty and a pattern? Definitely! :D

  17. Well it is good to see a man was able to provide the correct combination for your gorgeous tote. Keep it to yourself if that is what you want to do, it is not necessary to share everything! And most of all enjoy your new bag.

  18. I love the fabrics that you chose for this bag and the button in the centre looks great. I love the bag, it would make a great pattern.:)

  19. wow,it is so good to read that other people do the crazy fabric dance that i do. run back and forth to my fabric stash, try to find better lighting and ask my 3 year old if the fabric looks good together!! the bag is the bomb well done

  20. It turned out so pretty! I have a hard time with fabric matching too LOL

  21. I love it Clare. The bag is gorgeous.

  22. Ok...So now I am feeling...jealousy! You are too clever! you made this up? No Pattern?..Oh I am dreaming of the day when I can just 'sew' without panic. Very gorgeous - Great fabric too Calre. Cheers. Peta

  23. Oh, I love that bag! Gorgeous! Thank you for visiting me at my blog and leaving such a lovely comment too! Suzie. XXX

  24. Super Cute! Love the fabric choices.

  25. It's a wonderful bag...and very 'Spring'...the days have just been glorious♥x

  26. The Whimsy fabrics look fab as a bag! They are gorgeous!

    Shona (Funky Fabrix)

  27. Love the bag! Great fabrics and the pattern looks lovely! This should certainly become a pattern!!!

  28. Love the bag! And the colour combination is just perfect, I must admit that is something I struggle with

  29. Love the bag and yes it should be a pattern..

  30. Love love love the bag and the fabrics are devine.

  31. What a cool looking bag, I love it!

  32. your new bag is sooo gorgeous Clare, I can imagine sewing with already co-ordinated fabric would be lovely, I have never bought from a range before

  33. oh my goodness its perfect! I have been hunting the net for weeks trying to find a pattern for "the perfect bag" for my cousins daughter. Please please make it into a pattern :)
    p.s. thanks for stopping by my blog - i love comments :D

  34. that bag is delicious. I just love all the colors, patterns and the size. thanks for stopping by my blog and saying 'hi'!


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