
Tuesday, July 14, 2009

She's gone to the shop , finally !

Frances Frog has finally made her way to my shop . I had to send her as she was making a bit of a nuisance of herself here jumping around all the time .

If you would like to purchase a copy of my Frances Frog pattern hop over to my shop for all the details .


  1. I keep seeing the Frances frog everywhere, now I know where it comes from! He is so cutes!

  2. What a great pattern, Clare. Would love to do one in POLKA DOTS in the future!!!! What could be better than a spotty frog hopping all over the place??!!!

  3. There seem to be a lot of froggies around today - but Frances is the bees knees!

  4. Hi, Love the frog. Just thought I would let you know your polka dot swap is on it's way. I surely hope you like it. It was fun to make and think of it ending up so far away.

  5. I love Frances the Froggy! Very sweet!

  6. Wow - I love Frances! Super cute!

  7. Frances Frog is super cute. I tried to contact you directly via email, to chat about this cute frog. Unfortunately I wasn't able to send you an email. With luck, maybe you'll see this message and contact me.

    SewCalGal @

  8. Thanks for stopping by and saying hi! I was just purusing your blog and came across this fell-o. I am going to have to make him soon! He is on my ever-growing to-do list:)

  9. good day bros. I'm actually into shoes and I have been looking as far as something that exact brand. The prices for the sneakers are around 170 bucks on every page. But finally I base this location selling them for half price. I exceptionally want those [url=]gucci sneakers[/url]. I will absolutely buy those. what is your opinion?


Thankyou for calling in . I love to receive your comments and try very hard to return the visit .
Come back soon,I'll have the kettle on .