
Sunday, July 12, 2009

Is Frances Frog going to hop over to your place ?

Before I tell you who the winners of my giveaway are let me just thankyou all for your positive comments and support . I haven't been able to get back to everyones blogs so if I have missed you I am sorry but I really do appreciate your encouragement of my new pattern . So without further ado the winner of first prize of the Frances Frog pattern and all the fabric is Bluebird Lyn . 2nd prize of the pattern and magazine was Cute as Buttons .Third prize of a Frances Frog pattern was Donna/Sara Kindred Crafters .

I was really humbled to receive so many entries and so many bloggers that took the time to enter that I thought I would give a few extra patterns away .

One pattern goes to Barb because she was the first to enter . One pattern goes to Anne because she was the last to enter .

If you ladies would please email me with your addresses I will get Frances Frog to hop over to your place very soon .If you are dissapointed you missed out I will have the pattern for Frances Frog in my shop this week . Frances will also be in My Ebay shop .

Wholesale enquiries are welcome .

Thankyou to everyone who entered , blogged about it , followed or just visited .


  1. Oh, Clare, I love that froggie - please let me know when you have the pattern in store!
    Hugs - Lurline♥

  2. what a great response!! that frog will be happy in her new home :)

  3. woohoo! congrats to the winners! that froggy is too cute!

  4. oh Clare I am sorry, I can't believe I missed your giveaway in the end, damn, congrats to the winners though, great prizes

  5. Thank you so much for the pattern, I am soooooooooooooooooo excited....I am going to go to bed one happy camper!!!!

  6. Wooohoo...congratulations ladies and thank you Clare for the fun and the chance to win...and for 'Oh so cute', Frances!!

  7. Hello Clare, thank you very much for the chance to win Frances Frog..looking forward to her living at our place......thank you for your generosity ........Warm Regards Lyn

  8. Congratulations to all winners...

  9. What a lovely giveaway! Hope froggy gets some good lovin' xox

  10. wahhhhhhhhhhhhh not fair!!!! wahhhhhhhhhhh
    Congrats Lyn and all the other winner.....well done to you all...hugs Khris


Thankyou for calling in . I love to receive your comments and try very hard to return the visit .
Come back soon,I'll have the kettle on .