
Sunday, January 4, 2009

One down , lots to go .

The Craft Forum gave members a challenge to design an item by a selected theme and colour .

Some of the members have been extremely creative and screenprinted fabric and one clever lady designed a doll complete with family history .

My picture was of gingerbread and my colour was pink .

Now I would like to make the most of this and count this as Challenge -Complete .

As you can see from my sidebar I have joined Kris and Mays " Project a Month "

So my little stitchery is doing double duty as - 1. Project Completed .

If you feel like you need a little extra motivation to get through all those projects that have multiplied over Christmas join up for the "Project a Month "

(for more info just click on the logo)


  1. she is ssoooooooo cute and so are the bread boys!! those girls have motivated me so much i finished two little things tonight but wil have to post about them tomorrow as i am so very tired now. thanks for stopping by and brightening my day.
    %*_*% rosey

  2. Clare that is so clever!
    I love the little bowl of gingerbread men and the skirt!
    Too cute...
    At the moment I have lost my crafting "mojo".
    I think I am alittle burned out after last year and all it's busy-ness

  3. Clare - your completed challenge item is just fantastic - so cute! ....... I must get on with mine..... :)

  4. Clare your ideas just keep coming. It is just divine and I love the little table cloth...actually the whole thing is lovely. Well done.

  5. Clare you are so clever and love what you have done. The stitchery is wonderfully executed.

  6. she is so cute and so are the gingerbread boys!!
    The skirt is a perfect finish!
    Julia ♥

  7. Oh Clare- I love it! What a wonderful little picture - and your stitching is so neat!
    Well done!

  8. Oh, Clare, she is a gorgeous little girl and the stitching looks so tiny - you know how I love dollies and all things whimsy!
    Hugs - Lurline♥

  9. Oh Clare she is beautiful. Your work is stunning.

  10. Hey CLare! What handsome gingerbread men you've created!! But didn't you know it's bad manners to finish something before one of the organisers of the challenge has done so!! Tee! Hee! Hee! Think I should have tackled smaller projects! :0) Enjoy your stitching - we'll enjoy the photos! Bear Hugs! KRIS

  11. She is adorable, for some reason she made me think of my little granddaughter, too cute.

  12. Those little gingrbread men are adorable. Good on you for completing your challenge!

  13. Clare she is adorable!!
    You're so talented :D
    You go girl!!..and congrats on your first finish for 2009!!
    Robyn xx

  14. Oh, I like! I like! :>

  15. awwwwww that is seriously tooooo cute!!

  16. That is so cute! And congratulations on finish #1 for the year! :0)

  17. That is the cutest thing I've seen in some time! Is this something you will pattern? Congrats on your first finish.


Thankyou for calling in . I love to receive your comments and try very hard to return the visit .
Come back soon,I'll have the kettle on .