
Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Happy New Year

Thought I would grab the chance to post now as I don't think I'll get back here until after the New Year . What a great year this has been , I joined the Handmade Craft Forum something I would never dreamed of doing . I participated in swaps and challenges and met lots of great people online and then in "real life" . I started this blog as a way to boost my business and little did I know that I would meet even more amazing and generous people . I have been thrilled each time someone leaves a comment as I return each visit and know that it all takes time . Thankyou all for your visits and comments and I hope you continue to enjoy your visits next year as I'm really getting the hang of this blogging stuff . I really love giveaways and although I never win one same as raffles and lotto , I'd like to do a few next year . First off will be my 50th post giveaway . Yes I know it is normally a 100 post giveaway but I'm just not that normal .

As I did for Christmas I will be posting lots of "Quick and Easy" ideas for Easter and Mothers Day and so on . Keep watching for those as I've had great feedback from the previous ones so they must have helped some crafters with ideas .

The best thing about 2008 is that my family has been happy and healthy , what more could a girl want ?

This then is my wish for your year 2009 - happy , healthy families! Happy New Year !


  1. Yes blogland really is a place of amazing happenings and people....I am amzed regularly by the sisterhood that exisits.
    I wish you and yours both health and wealth for the comming year!

  2. i wish for you good health, happiness and safety in the coming new year xx

  3. Clare it is a pleasure getting to know you through the forum and your blog. All the best for 2009!

  4. Hi Clare,

    I am loving getting to know lots of people though the blogland and learning how to do one myself.

    I wish you a wonderful 2009 and look forward to reading your news as the year progresses.


  5. It's been lovely getting to know you this year through the forum and your blog. Wishing you and your family a safe and happy New Year.

  6. You are so right.....what more can we really ask for than our health and happiness!
    We are truly blessed!
    Blogging certainly contributes to our happiness.....all the best...Vanessa

  7. Hi Clare, Just a quick note to you to wish you a wonderful and creative 2009. I have to agree, I have a beautiful healty family also. Who could want more than that. I look forward to catching up with all my blog friends in the new year. D. :=)

  8. You've got so many good ideas going on. Fabulous!

  9. Hi Clare,
    A happy New Year to you and your family.
    Cheers Linda

  10. Clare it has been a great time to get to know you also, I have enjoyed reading your blog and no doubt will enjoy it this year as well. Thank you for your lovely comments you leave on mine and I wish you all the very best for the future ..quilty hugs to you

  11. Keep up the awesome work coming again forest group


Thankyou for calling in . I love to receive your comments and try very hard to return the visit .
Come back soon,I'll have the kettle on .