
Tuesday, January 13, 2009

It never rains it pours , lucky me !

Can you believe 2 awards in 2 days! I had been sulking quietly that I had never received an award and now I have TWO !

Not only that but now I have won a giveaway , can blogging get any better?

The lovely Priscilla from Casa Bella Chic gave me the award . Have a look at her stuff, talk about a great imagination !

Janelle from Janellybelly was hosting the giveaway . Janelles blog is fantastic and I love to visit her .

So the hard part is passing on my wonderful award to 5 clever crafters here goes -

Now for some more good news , this is my 49th post and I did promise a giveaway on my 50th .
Come back for a visit very soon , leave a comment and you too could be a winner !
Thanks everyone see you soon .


  1. Wow, thank you. Avid Crafter and I are very happy you thought of us.

  2. me creative????? thanks you sweet thang. the only problem is i am a twit when it comes to computers so i wont know how to put the award up til someone tells me *_*
    mmwwaahh rosey

  3. congrats on the awards Clare! and thanks for visiting my blog... I wish I was in sunny Australia right now!! :)
    Don't forget to enter my competition if you fancy the NEW LONDON STYLE book, its open to everyone until the 21st Jan. Will be keeping an eye out for your giveaway too! Love, Caroline x

  4. Oh why thank ya so uch....It seems to be a busy time for awards..such fun.
    And how bout you winning that lil bag...Lucky you sure are!

  5. Your blog is fabulous so why wouldnt you get more than one award for it. Well done and great news with the win. I can see you on cloud nine :)

  6. Congrats on the awards Clare!
    Well deserved...Julia ♥

  7. Hi,

    Congratulations on the awards, you deserve them. I love your blog and the work that you do.

    Regards, Viv :)

  8. i just bought the handmade mag that has my letter to the editor in it and came across your add! i was chuffed to show my husband that someone as clever as you would talk to me! thanks, i now know lots of clever ladies like you and cant get over how kind and generous you all are. xxrosey

  9. Sorry that I have taken so long to come here a give you a "formal thank you" for awarding me. I was absolutely thrilled.

    Congratulations on both your awards - well deserved.

  10. Hi Clare - Firstly, thank you for visiting my blog and taking time to comment. Secondly, I have had a lovely time mooching round your blog and looking at your creative 'makes' - you make some wonderful 'stuff'.

    I am leaving my comment on this post, not your 50th giveaway one because I have giveaway guilt at having won quite a few lately. I feel I should leave it to your regulars to win something rather than run the risk that a total stranger from the other side of the world waltzes off with the loot.

    Take care :-)

  11. Congratulations on you awards, you surely deserve them and what a nice giveaway too.


Thankyou for calling in . I love to receive your comments and try very hard to return the visit .
Come back soon,I'll have the kettle on .