
Friday, January 16, 2009

50th Post Giveaway !

I promised a giveaway on my 50th post and here it is -pink isn't it?

All you need to do enter is leave a comment on this post = 1 entry . Blog about it and add a link =2 entries . Simple .

This way I win too as hopefully bloggers who have visited here and haven't left a comment now will and then I get to visit them .

So you want to know what you might win for my 50th post. What about 50cm pale pink homespun . Pink paper and envelope set , 50cm pink ric rac , 50cm gingham ribbon , 50cm heart ribbon and a fat 1/4 of pink blender .Ha you thought I was going to say another 50cm .

This very pink picture will stay up for approx 50 hours so this makes it roughly Sunday night about 11.00 pm Australian time .

Good luck .
This giveaway is now closed . Sorry if you missed out . After I do a few things in the morning I will announce the winner . YAY ! Thankyou to everyone that entered come back soon for the next giveaway , my new stitchery pattern . Good luck , hope you win !


  1. Clare how could you! Pink,pink and more pink.I love it! I hope you get lots of lovely comments,you certainly deserve them.I might just have to do something like this for my 100th post.Barb

  2. Clare you are always coming up with fabulous ideas. I love your giveaway and like Barb says you deserve to get lots of comments.

  3. lucky pink is one of my favourite colours!! i would have to make a pink bird straight away %*_*%

  4. oh clare love that pink...
    and butterflies are very sweet...count me in...

  5. Pink! My very most favorite color, just looking at your giveaway makes me smile.
    Thanks for the chance to win some pink goodness.
    Sue Cahill (sbonetsue at yahoo dot com)

  6. Hi Clare,I may have to do a giveaway lol thanks for visiting my blog.Its my first peek here so i am off to browse you gotta love a craft room lol

  7. Well I just can't resist a pink giveaway!
    Congratulations on 50 posts...a wonderful milestone.

  8. How quickley does 50 posts fly by???
    Please yes,Enter my name...
    And happy 50 posts

  9. Well done Clare on your 50th post. It's a great giveaway...pop my name on the list.....I already have some ideas to use your lovely pack with. Keep up the great work. Treann.

  10. Who could resist a pink givaway..not me!
    Thank you Clare..
    Julia ♥

  11. Ooooh pink, please enter me!
    Take care
    Beki xxx

  12. I'm tickled pink!
    Hugs - Lurline♥

  13. Thanks for visiting my blog!

    I love pink; count me in!

  14. Hi Clare...oooh Pink! Love Pink!
    Yee please...I'd love to play :o)

    Also thanks for stopping by and commenting on my Scissors thingy.
    Robyn xx

  15. PINK! I love it. It has always been my favorite. I love the piece of art on your banner. Beautiful saying and beautiful colors!
    I enjoyed traveling through your blog!
    Happy weekend!

  16. hi Clare! I only just found your blog! I love the little flowers in your framed picture/header! Please enter me, and yay for pink!!

  17. OOOOH! PINK! Please enter me in your giveaway! Thank you!

  18. Thats a very generous giveway Clare I love pink too.

  19. Clare, I found you through Robyn's blog, and I'm very pleased I did! I am also a pink lover! Congratulations on your 50th post!!
    Cheers, Di

  20. I love your giveaway.I have a giveaway at the moment also.Its my first peek here so i am off for a browse.. I just can't resist a pink giveaway!
    Congratulations on 50 posts...

  21. Congrats on your 50th post :)
    I have linked your candy on my blog!

  22. oooh Clare PINK! I love it.... hope someone lovely wins it too

  23. Thank you so much for leaving a comment on my blog. And what a lovely giveaway - my 10 year old would fight me for it if I won this. LOL. Or it could contribute to another rabbit! Off to have a look around your blog - I love your header, with the flowers.

  24. Congrats on reaching your 50th blog post! A girl can never have too many Pink things - especially these goodies. Will blog about it later tonight :)
    Janelle xx
    PS Your bag is parcelled up & will be in the post on Monday, sorry for the delay.

  25. yay 50 posts, well done!! i look forward to another 50!

  26. congrats on 50 posts!!!!
    Pink, no one can ever have enough pink!

  27. Have been working with pinks lately. Who could pass up a chance to win fabric! Not I!

  28. Hey Clare! Congrats on reaching 50 posts - may there be many more to come! WOW! That sure is a PINK prize!! It's enough to make a 'green' girl reach for her sunnies! Tee! Hee! Hee! Hope you're having a great weekend! Bear Hugs! KRIS

  29. I love the pinks. That would be terrific for Valentines day coming up. Now off to my page to blog about your giveaway.

  30. I'd love to be entered! I'm blogging about it too.

  31. This is my first visit but it certainly won't be my last! I found you through Daisy Quilts. Your blog is great! I don't have a blog yet but maybe someday!

  32. Very nice.....please enter me in your drawing. I found your giveaway and blog from Tonya (on her blog).

  33. Clare love the pink...please enter me. I'll post on my blog for 2 chances to win your lovely items.

    hugs Pam

  34. It's too cold here to be out in the real world so here I am visiting blogs I've never been to before. Nothing like having an adventurous weekend! And that is how I've happened upon giveaway. Pretty pretty pink! Perfect for Valentine Memories!

  35. I love pink! Please enter my name.

  36. Congrats on 50 posts !!!!


  37. What a great little pile of pink goodies - and congrats on your 50th post!

  38. Thank you for the chance.
    I've written about your candy on my blog. See you there ;)


  39. Congratulations with your 50 th post. Up to 100 post. By the way I love pink. So please let me enter your give away

  40. oooo.. I do love these shades of pink. Perfect for Valentine's Day! Congratulations on 50 posts!

  41. Love the pink...thanks for entering me in your giveaway.

  42. Congrats on reaching you 50th post. Just realised i'm nearly at 50 posts. Lovely giveawy. Doing all pink has given me an idea. Thanks. Will put a link on my blog to you. Jeanette

  43. Pink is about the best colour ever, don't you think? Love your little stitchery with the gingerbread men...

  44. Oooh pretty! I love pink! Maybe I'll get lucky and win.

    Susan in Texas

  45. Congratulations! I will soon make my 50th post too. Haven`t thought of having a giveaway, but may be.... I love pink so please count me in, if I`m not too late.

  46. pink it is so pretty. Very nice giveaway and congratulations on your 50th post. I am linking you in my blog :)

  47. 50 posts ... YAY for you :o). Love your blog, I'll be back!!! Pink is my absolute FAVOURITE colour so this is a giveaway I just have to be in LOL.
    Joy :o)

  48. Congrats on 50 posts. Love seeing what you are doing and wait until the 100th comes's very addictive.

  49. Congrats on your 50th Post! Please add my name to the drawing. I found you through Lurline.

  50. Yummy PINK - I have a brand new granddaughter you know and I have a strong urge to buy everything pink that I see.

  51. Pink we love pink and nice to have a giveawa
    y I love them to...Hey nice blog and I will be back...God Bless...Lani

  52. Ahhh...nice giveaway. I found out about it at Tonya's blog...I really like all the pink stuff!!

  53. I love pink... didn't think I did.. but I seem to have a lot of pink things... I think I am a closet pinkie...LOL
    Cath Ü

  54. wow...pretty pink is one of my favorite colour. Thank you for organizing the giveaway. Please add me for the draw

  55. So much pink reminds me of my mum's home made pink/white coconut ice. Yummmmm!
    Please add my name and Happy 50th.

  56. Hi
    I love pink t is my favorite color. and your blog is really nice. thanks for sharing with us. judyyak

  57. Lovely pink giveaway. I hurry to leave a note on my blog. Pia

  58. I'm too late but pink rules. Fun giveaway.

  59. Lurline sent me your way....What a wonderful blog!


Thankyou for calling in . I love to receive your comments and try very hard to return the visit .
Come back soon,I'll have the kettle on .