
Tuesday, October 7, 2014

I buy craft stuff because......

Do I really need a reason?
Opshops , garage sales or Spotlight I head straight
for the craft stuff.
Somehow I have ended up with beads.
Lots of beads.
I have never done beading in my life.

In an effort to use up some crafty things I painted some
branches pink, as you do, then I threaded beads onto fuse wire

attached them to the branches and stuck them in the garden.
Of course I also chose the windiest most overcast
day to try and get a decent photo of them.
This is the real reason I buy craft stuff ~
because then I can make stuff that just makes me happy.
Do you buy things just because?
Are you a hoarder?
Do you have more than you can ever use?



  1. I think there must be a support group somewhere out there for the buyers/hoarders of craft stuff!
    I'm surprised that my husband didn't search for it after we moved house. Up until then I had managed to carefully disguise how much crafty stuff was hidden around our house. Now, however, the secret is out and I think he may have been less than impressed.
    Ah well not to worry - now I have bigger cupboards ;)

    Love the sparkly, beady sticks x

  2. I absolutley love shopping for craft stuff. I can't just "duck into" Spotlight, it is a two hour minimum trip for me. I am also a massive hoarder of craft supplies, the comment "I could make something with this" has left my lips thousands of times! I love your blog, heaps of cool ideas, thank you!


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Come back soon,I'll have the kettle on .