
Friday, September 5, 2014

yes I see you

Hello there I see you!
I'm making up some sunglasses cases for Christmas presents
and hopefully a few extra for my shop so I thought I'd pop
in and ask you a few questions about The Creative Challenge.
Did you know about it?
Did you play?
Would you like to play next time?
Would you like there to be a next time?
The creative challenge is not a competition
it is just for fun!
Follow the links in the post below I know you'll
 be amazed at the creativity.
If you have any questions please just ask
because the crafters that played had a great time.
In other very important news my son finished
the first stage of his training in the Navy.
The whole family went to see him marching at his graduation
and there was not a dry eye in the place.
When the heck did he get so much taller than me?


Thankyou for calling in . I love to receive your comments and try very hard to return the visit .
Come back soon,I'll have the kettle on .