
Tuesday, September 16, 2014

another creative challenge sign up

For those who missed seeing about the first
we are going to have another before
we all get crazy, busy at Christmas, hooray!
How the challenge works ~
you must email me at
This part is very important as I need to have your email
address to send your clues to.
When I receive your email I will then send you a random
picture and a random colour.
Use these as inspiration to design something.
It can be anything and you can use whatever
medium you like eg. fabric, glue, paint, beads, anything at all!
Get a blog post ready showing the pictures I sent you
and your finished design.
When the linkie thingy goes up here add your link
and visit the other challengers to see what they have done.
Feel free to take this picture to put on your blog and invite
as many friends as you like.
As I don't want this running too close to Christmas
I will close off sign ups this Sunday 21st September.
You will all receive a return email from me by Tuesday 22nd September.
You will need to have made your item and prepared
a blog post to be linked to by October 19th.
Have a look at the first challengers items here.
Please keep in mind this is not a competition it
is just a fun way to get crafty and meet some new bloggers.
What do you think?
Are you in?

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Thankyou for calling in . I love to receive your comments and try very hard to return the visit .
Come back soon,I'll have the kettle on .