
Saturday, May 3, 2014

day 3 ~ changing tracks

~ a song that you hear that reminds you
 of a certain time in your life.
Every time I hear Rock around the Clock
it takes me back to the kitchen of our family home.
My father would turn this song up really , really loud
and we would all dance around like crazy!
I have 5 sisters and two brothers
so there was some wild dancing going on
and so much laughter!
Good times.


  1. What an awesome big family! My dad used to always have his music up loud, he always plays guitar so we used to dance around to his music, usually country, country rock, Elvis, etc!

  2. Awesome! I do that now with my girls (mainly to Katy Perry, lol) - I wonder if they'll remember it too xx

  3. Haha we have starting dancing to songs as a family ourselves..Pharell Williams "Get Happy" is a favourite at the moment. You must have had a fun childhood xx

  4. Now that's a good memory to have.
    I love this song. I first heard it thanks to the "American Graffit" Soundtrack which my dad owned on record. As a kid I just loved the music of the soundtrack, and loved this song.
    Great memories for sure.

  5. Wow - what a childhood you had. I only have 2 siblings I can only imagine what 7 would have been like.

  6. Excellent song choice and I am jealous of your kitchen disco events!

  7. That sounds like so much fun!

  8. Oh fun....everyone just looks at me weird when I dance around...maybe because no one else is dancing!!


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