
Saturday, April 13, 2013

chia ?

 This is not a sponsored post .
I'm sure you're wondering why the heck is she talking about chia.
You may already know about all this but I've only recently discovered chia.
I had heard that it was really good for you but I thought I'd do a little research .
I learned ~ from here
they are gluten free .
super high in dietary fibre.
eight times more omega 3 than salmon.
high in antioxidents (4 times higher than blueberries)
five times more calcium than milk.
seven times more vitamin C than oranges.
3 times more iron than spinach.
double the potassium content of bananas
They have no taste either so they don't spoil the flavour
of whatever else you have added it to .
I am NOT a health professional in any way shape or form
but if sprinkling 1 tablespoon of chia on my cereal is going
to give me all this I'm there !
As I said this is not a sponsored post although I do have a connection
with the supermarket that produces Macro foods but
they are not aware of this post and have not asked me to do it .
I'm just sharing some info because I'm nice like that .
The giveaway in the post below is still open go,go,go !


  1. But what do they taste like? Seems like a worthy addition to my breaky cereal.

  2. Wow.... I have never heard of Chia and I am definitely going to be adding these to my salad, cereal, etc..... I need the calcium!

    Thank you so much!

  3. I need to eat more of this stuff i think! I have a recipe for chia pudding I should try. Thanks for sharing! x

  4. My daughter has been using Chia and I had seen it in some diet blogs I follow. Great information. Love your blog, just found it from Sew Many Ways linky! Added you to my feeds

  5. You sold me. I purchased a mixed jar of black and white chia yesterday and have been feeding it to both my children and myself. Just in cereal or in yoghurt. You only really need a tablespoon per day so it's easy to achieve. Thanks!

  6. Thanks for the info... I love my Chia tea had no Idea it was good for you.

  7. I'll give these a go, had read about them but didn't realise they had no taste. Important when trying to get them into kids!

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Come back soon,I'll have the kettle on .