
Thursday, February 14, 2013

hearts (what an original title today)

Happy Valentines Day !
It is not a huge thing in Australia and it isn't even
acknowledged in my house besides the family
knowing that I make my donation to The Heart Foundation
on this day each year .
In the U.S.A February 14 is ginormous!
So you can imagine just how happy I was when
Amy from One Artsy Mama used my heart tutorial on her blog .
Thanks so much Amy I love your happy blog
and I'm thrilled to be posting there .
Please pop over and see my hearts !


  1. Very nice little hearts!
    Happy valentine

  2. All the merchandisers would hope it becomes huge in Australia wouldn't they? My hubby and I don't celebrate V Day either. Married 30 yrs next month. Well done on having your tutorial shared.

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Thankyou for calling in . I love to receive your comments and try very hard to return the visit .
Come back soon,I'll have the kettle on .