
Wednesday, October 17, 2012

morning tea with

 Good morning to Fiona Tully from Two Brown Birds .

What is your business ? What do you do ?
My business is called “Two Brown Birds”.  I design and create craft textile patterns, including quilts, stitcheries, and soft toys.
How long has it been going ? How did it start out ?
The business has been running for almost two years.  It started out when lots of people told me I should write up my patterns and try selling them – so I did!
How do manage around your family ?
Ah yes, the balancing act!  I try to mange balancing everything by schedueling “work free days”, and doing as much work as I can while my girls are at school, or after they’re in bed at night.
When your craft becomes your work how do you relax ?
Other ways I relax are by reading, baking, or every now and again when my brain is completely drained from over-work, I might work on a craft project by another designer – that way I can enjoy stitching without having to think about the technical pattern writing aspect.
Do you make things and sometimes keep them for yourself ?
I often keep things for myself!  When I make something, I feel quite attached to it, and if I give it away I feel like I’m giving away one of my children!  But there are times when I decide that I will make something for some-one, and if I know that from the start of the project, I’m happy to give it away.
What is your favourite craft ?
I don’t have one, but several that I rotate. I love designing  and working stitcheries – I feel like it’s colouring in on fabric.  Quilting is a big love of mine – there’s nothing better than having a new pile of fabrics to play with, arrange, re-arrange, and make into a quilt.  Sometimes I will have an idea for a new little character or playset, which I love making.  I decide on the personality of the character as I create it.  Every now and then if I’m feeling a bit overworked, I love to knit – I find the rhythmic repetition of the needles click-clacking relaxing, and it’s rewarding to see knitting grow quickly!

Are your designs your own ?
The designs that I feature on my blog are my own.  Occasionally I work on a project made by another designer if my brain needs a break after months of working on my own designs, but I tend not to blog about those projects.
Tell us something quirky about yourself ?
Hmmm…….well I don’t think it’s quirky ( I think I’m normal ha ha!), but anyone that watches me tie my shoelaces always comments and says “Wow!!  You tie you’re shoelaces different to anyone else I’ve ever seen!”


What are your plans ? How much further do you plan to take your business ?
I am so excited that the wonderful people from “Creative Abundance” have recently invited me to  join their list of talented designers.  This has truly been a dream come true for me, and I am so excited to see where this will lead.
Where do you sell ? 
 Creative Abundance distribute my patterns to retail and online craft shops.  Anyone that’s interested in my patterns can follow my blog at   to see pictures of my current designs, and sneak peeks of upcoming projects.

Find Fionas gorgeous designs at Creative Abundance (wholesale enquiries)
Fiona is having some great pattern giveaways on her blog at the moment too !
Or maybe you'd like to chat with my friend on facebook .

Thanks so much and and congratulations Fiona x


  1. Oh wonderful interview. Off to join on Facebook and follow a new (dangerous!) blog.

    Thanks Clare and lovely joining you Fiona!

  2. Wonderful interview, I'm off to check out another beautiful blog.

  3. Lovely! But I am now very curious and think we need a tutorial on how you tie your laces?!?!

  4. Hi everyone! Thanks so much for popping over to visit my blog, and to you Clare for my interview!
    As for my shoelaces's a trade secret lol!

    Fiona xx


Thankyou for calling in . I love to receive your comments and try very hard to return the visit .
Come back soon,I'll have the kettle on .