
Wednesday, October 10, 2012

morning tea with



 Hi everyone!! I am Meegan from What Meegan Makes  
I am so happy to be here this morning with Clare for"Morning Tea".
I am an ocean loving, grand baby kissing, vintage finding, paint hungry woman and wife that loves to blog about all of the above.
Coffee or tea ?
  I personally like Hazelnut Herbal tea
What is your business ?
 I write a blog about my crafting and designing. I also do wedding flowers occasionally.  I enjoy making our home an oasis from the stresses of the world. My hope is to help others create a warm and cozy home with minimal cost.
How long has it been going ? I have been blogging for 9 mths.
 How did it start out ? We had moved into a condo from living in a fairly large home. I decided it would be fun to change things up and make it "our home". I was using up a lot of our family blog space to share my projects-so I decided to start my own .
How do manage around your family ?
 Our 7 children are all grown with families of their own. Our youngest gets married this Nov :) But, I still need to manage my blog around them and my Hubby. I try to keep balance between Hubby, his job (and school), and all my projects. Sometimes I am not so good at it.
When your craft becomes your work how do you relax ? I like to watch old movies and eat ice cream. But, I LOVE to lay out by the pool most of all.
Do you make things and sometimes keep them for yourself ?
  Most times I do keep them. But, lately it has been fun to share them with friends and family.
Are you right or left handed ? Yes I'm not afraid to ask the tough questions
I am right handed :)
What is your favourite craft ? I would have to say painting a frame, piece of furniture, or any kind of home accessory such as a candlestick, end table, or mirror. I like to refresh items and give them new life!!
Describe a normal day for you ? 
  My brain is constantly creating and working. My husband will often ask me,"Does your creativity ever stop?" My answer is always no. So, when I get up in the morning, I am already looking and starting the next project. Sometimes the idea comes right away and others I have to sit on them awhile-then the creative juices start flowing. When the projects come together I can't stop until it is done. I LOVE seeing the finished project. I walk by it several times to see it from all angles. Then I decide how I could perfect it, and maybe I even just look at it for a day or so. Then it finds a place in our home.
Are your designs your own ? I LOVE to make my own creations, by putting a little twist or highlight to it. But, there is so much to see "out there" that who can resist being inspired by others .
What is the very first thing you would buy if you won the lottery ?
A home by the beach so all of our family could come play in the sun. Then give the rest to charity to help others.
Tell us something quirky about yourself ?
  Hmmm...There are SO many things!! I like ice cream and cookies for breakfast. I don't eat it-but I certainly like it !
What are your plans ?
  I would love to make a little money from my blog. But am enjoying floral design as well.

 How much further do you plan to take your business ?
I want to do what I love for as long as I love it. Once the love is gone, so will be the business
Do you sell your crafts if yes where do you sell ?
 People ask me all the time if I sell my crafts, or furniture. I haven't sold any yet. But I would want to if the time and price was right.
Thanks for having me for "Morning Tea today, Clare! It has been an honor and a pleasure. I hope your readers will come by for a visit .

    Come join along with me as I share what I love, and love what I do.

Find Meegan at her blog ~ here or at pinterest ~ here
or on facebook ~ here or hometalk ~ here
or stumble upon ~ here   
and if Meegan isn't in any of these places she's probably
transforming a boring piece of furniture into a thing of beauty !
I have another special crafter next week and she has BIG news for us !
Ooooh don't you just love a bit of mystery .......


  1. That was a lovely chat. I've popped over to Meegan's blog to have a look at her lovely makes.
    Ali x

  2. love that coffee table at the end


Thankyou for calling in . I love to receive your comments and try very hard to return the visit .
Come back soon,I'll have the kettle on .