
Friday, July 13, 2012


All I want to do is hide or maybe just run away .....

without going into detail

some personal stuff has sucked the life out of me

so if you don't see me around it's because I'm hiding ,
so very mature of me I know.


  1. I hope you are okay Clare. Sending big hugs. Fee x

  2. ((((HUGS))) Clare,hope everything rights itself soon :) Barb.

  3. Be strong Clare ! hope all gets better for you soon.

  4. Hide for as long as you want....sometimes it does us the world of good.. take care and we will all be waiting for you...**insert big hugs here**

  5. Take all the time you need and take care. x

  6. If I had to hide, I'd pick your place and that gorgeous ripple blanket to hide under too.
    Hope all is well and sending lots of positive and kind thoughts your way.

  7. Hope there' s enough hidey holes ot there - seems like there are a lot of problems at the moment! God bless with yours!
    Hugs - Lurline.

  8. big hugs coming into your hidey hole...we'll still be here when you come out...hope it's soon!

  9. Look after yourself Clare, hide away and gather yourself. the world will still be here when you are back on top. If there is anything that I can do...I'm here.

  10. Sometimes life just sucks.
    Chocolate, cake, dvds, chocolate, a big cry, chocolate, a tanty, and by this point usually the cooking chocolate (a girl just has to do what she can!) sometimes helps me.
    Hope the sun shines through soon and the crappy bits get less crappy.

  11. Take care and I will be looking out for your return.

  12. I know that feeling! Thoughts are with you and hope everything works out x

  13. That blanket looks like the perfect place to hide...warm and is way too cold and wet to run away...hope the sucky stuff sorts itself out soon and you start to feel better and like coming back out to play...take care...

  14. i feel like running away sometimes too...wish i could! hope things pick up for you. xxrosey

  15. We all need to hide under the duvet sometimes. I hope you feel much better soon but don't come out till you do. Hugs Ali x

  16. I deal with crud that way all the time. Whatever works for you I say.

    Hope things resolve soon. Thinking of you Clare

  17. Clare, wish I could give you a big hug. Life is just like that some days, weeks, months. It is okay to retreat or hide for a while but let us help you hon. Great big hugs.

  18. Thinking of you, Clare - take care - hope the ''stuff'' goes away real soon, and that you are okay. Big hugs:) xx

  19. Sorry to hear that Clare :(((((
    I hope everything is ok?
    Thanks so much for visiting my blog and for your input re the copying/image theft.
    Take care,
    Natasha x

  20. Sometimes we need a quiet, hidden place to crawl into to get our heads back in order after things happen. Hope your hibernation is therapeutic.

  21. (((Clare))) Hope all is well.


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Come back soon,I'll have the kettle on .