
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

recycled solar lights

Yes I have a thing for solar lights
and not just at Christmas , all year .
I've had changing colour ones on stakes for a couple of years and
they get brittle and the plastic cracks and  they snap off their stakes.
But if they still work I can't bear to throw them out so
I worked out how I could recycle them .

All I did was cut some plastic water bottles to the size I wanted
and put some tracing paper around the inside.
Then just the top part of the broken lights  gets fitted to the top of the cut bottle.
As I have been doing a few of them I have recycled the remainder
of the bottle by punching a couple of holes in the lids and shoving
the bottle upside down in pot plants and filling them with
water so the plants get drip watered .

See you can be colourful while you're being green !


  1. what a wonderful idea,well done.xx

  2. Excellent idea. We have some of these in our garden too. Hope you had a good Easter.

  3. Hi:
    Found your blog thru Handmadeology on FB...enjoyed your blog post. Every day I change how to recycle and have to add this idea to my list.


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Come back soon,I'll have the kettle on .