
Wednesday, March 7, 2012

all good , thanks

My poor little town has been flooded again .
The SES has again worked tirelessly .


Those down river from us are coping with it now.

Here is my house on the left and my inlaws on the right (damn close aren't they)
and behind us is normally a back road and paddocks .
A few homes in town were evacuated and the old bridge is looking very tired.
My family were never in any danger but I do appreciate your concern .
Thanks so much for all the messages and emails .
I am very , very grateful xx


  1. So glad to hear you guys are all okay!! Was watching the reports on the morning shows this morning (much to DD's disappointment ... she wanted to watch Playschool, lol!!) It all looks pretty bad again! I love rain, and thunderstorms ... but this much water is just a bit too much! ... Wishing you guys and everyone affected by these floods a smooth cleanup and smooth sailing from here on out!!

  2. so glad to hear you are all okay,gee thats a lot of water.xx

  3. So glad to hear you are all okay.

  4. Hi Claire, I'm pleased to hear that you and your family are safe. The floods have been terrible! What river are you on?

  5. So glad you and your familyy are safe. Those in-laws are very close:):)

  6. So glad that you guys are okay and by the looks of things..Just out of harms way.

  7. So very glad your okay and those photos really do show us how close the water has come to your place.



  8. Oh my goodness! I hope that was level falls soon. Sarah xo

  9. Pleased you are keeping dry but it is awfully close.
    While you guys have floods we are coping with fires but I still love living here.
    Keep safe.

  10. Oh Clare that's so close to your place. Stay dry.

  11. Hi Claire...I know how it feels to watch the water come up close to your was only about a month ago here...Glad you are safe and dry....well as dry as you can be with water everywhere.
    Really makes you appreciate the sun and the beautiful weather we are having at the moment in Mullum.
    xox Jo

  12. Those in-laws are close aren't they? Oh yeah, so is the water.

  13. So glad you are all ok. Sending out 'retreat now' thoughts to the flood demons. Works really well when I talk to the parking angels about a spot out the front of Coles. Fingers crossed the flood demons are listening!! Cheers, Karen

  14. Phew. That's close....

    Stay safe and dry!

  15. Clare that's way too close! So glad you and your inlaws are OK. That much water is just plain scary!!!

  16. Where does all that water come from - honestly it feels like Australia is becoming part of the sea??
    Glad you managed to stay high and dry this time.

  17. Wow looking at the pictures God was watching over you. The weather is so weird anymore. I live in Ontario Canada and I said to my husband this morning that we haven't had even had one big storm this winter. Hardly any snow to ski on. Happy you and family are safe.

  18. Wow that is close both the water and the in-laws!! Hope all is well for you and your town.

  19. Glad you are ok Clare. Wow the water sure was close...

  20. Scary how close that was! Glad to see that you are ok but wow it's awful when things like that happen in your hometown xxx

  21. Oh my gosh Clare... scary stuff! Glad you are ok...Hugs


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