
Friday, December 30, 2011

a little gift for you (I hope)

Hi all did you have a nice Christmas?

I am slowly getting back to work , slowly , slowly.

Over the holidays I have been trying to work out
how to do PDFs as in the new year I am
hoping to offer some new patterns as PDFs as well as paper.

So you are probably wondering why I have a photo
of the crosswords in the paper here.

I love crosswords and wordgames and thought you
may like a crossword too .

I designed a crafty crossword in PDF for you to print out.

It is all craft related so if you would like to print out
extras for your craft group , go for it !

It does have a couple of swear words in the puzzle
so if you can't handle swearing don't download it .

This is my very first attempt at a PDF ~ I hope it works!

I'd love for you to let me know if you download it
and also what you think.


  1. love it, what a great idea ! perfect for the holidays thank you Clare, off to print it out now :)

  2. it worked relax,cheers vickie

  3. what fun... thanks.... printing now for tonight..

  4. It's great thanks. I find the easiest way to make PDF's is to download a free programme called CUTE. It installs itself as a printer and when you want to turn a word doc into a PDF just print and choose Cute as the printer and Voila.... Hugs - Fee X

  5. Well done Clare I had no trouble printing out the crossword. thank you.

  6. Fantastic Clare!! .... I'll download and print it out when I get home!

  7. Hi,
    I downloaded it without any problems. I think on my computer I can save a word document as a PDF. I will check and get back to you. I have not created one for ages, I have a PDF pattern on my Etsy shop. Hubby helped me as he has something different to create PDF's as part of his job. You can use the picture on my blog, if it does not show up well (poor light here in the winter) then let me know and I will take another for you.

  8. Happy New Year Clare. I wouldnt have a clue how to convert something to PDF ...that's what my admin staff are for !

    Psttttttt want me to get them to do your converting?

  9. Love it, have printed off an extra copy for my mother in law. Thank you

  10. Fantastic Clare - new skillz is good!. The link opened in google docs for me - easy to save and print out! Thanks, and a very Happy New Year to you.

  11. There you go Clare! Not as hard as you thought it would be hey?! :)
    Have downloaded it and will have a go soon. Thanks!
    Hope you have some fun new year's festivities. All the best for a more fabulous year to come! x

  12. No problems downloading. Love the clues!! Making pdf's is still on my bucket list. Maybe next year, lol.

  13. You're a crack up, Clare!!! Thank you so much for the crossword - the pdf worked a treat! I have been sat here with my coffee giggling away and reading out your clues to my hubby, who insists that he IS interested in my creations! Ha!

    Happy new year to you, gorgeous girl! May it be full of opportunity and successes - as well you deserve! xxxxxxxxxx

    Vikki xoxo

  14. Well done, Clare!
    I use the same free program as Fee: "CUTE".

  15. Oh how clever of you! I don't do crosswords, they give me a headache, lol - my mom knows this, and will still call me and give me the clues to help her figure them out. I'm going to print this off for her! Thank you and HAPPY NEW YEAR!

  16. Bahahahaha... I love that you have swearwords in it! I wish my Mum was crafty, she quite likes a crossword puzzle!

  17. hehe, i'm definitely going to enjoy this download. thank you clare! happy new year!

  18. Happy New Year you clever creative girl you, love Posie

  19. Very cool! It downloaded great for me...looking forward to working it out!

  20. I love this kind of present, thank you for the hard work! (I make up puzzles for my second graders with their names in them 2 x's a year, I Know how involved they can be!)

  21. Brilliant! and much appreciated.


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Come back soon,I'll have the kettle on .