
Sunday, October 16, 2011

on my shelf

Hooray Vic has brought back My Place and Yours !

I was so very excited to join in with this weeks meme
which is ~ on your shelf .

In fact I was so excited I spent the whole morning
washing and shining and dusting my bottle
collection that is on my shelf in my kitchen.

Just to prove it the photo below is how my bottles
looked before all my dusting and cleaning and washing .

What ! Exactly the same photo !

I really am excited to join in but not enough
to clean all these on a Sunday .

Join in and show us what is on your shelf .


  1. Ahahahaha... you had me there for a second! Before I looked at the second photo I was thinking if you keep joining in we'll have your whole hose dusted in a year or so... ;)

    Thanks for playing Claire!

  2. Don't old bottles need to be dusty just so they look the part???

  3. Hehe! Thought I was going blind there for a moment. That's a great collection. Maybe you could just gently place them all in athe sink with loads of hot soapy water and let them sit for a few hours while you do likewise. They'ld probably agree to clean themselves and then all you would have to do would be to dry them (or maybe just drip dry). Cherrie

  4. What a brilliant selection of bottles. I love old empty bottles because to me each one has it's own special story of harrowing secrets of how it managed to escape the wicked dumpster of death and yet retain it figure. :) Great photo!

  5. Haha love the "before and after" photos. Brilliant!

  6. And I thought you were so clever putting every bottle back (cleaned) in the EXACT same spot as they were when you took the first photo!!! Great collection xx

  7. Totally got me! I thought about dusty too before taking my pick and decided to use an effect on my pics so it wasn't so obvious:) Great collection! Cyndy

  8. Ahh what... clean on a Sunday - never. Glad you came to your senses Clare [smile]
    Hugs ~ Kerryanne

  9. What a gorgeous collection - I just love collections of absolutely anything, more is best! lol!

  10. Phew! Didn't want to mention anything when you'd gone to all the trouble of washing and dusting cause I couldn't see the difference! I love old bottles, too. When we built our home on my Great grandparents farm, we found loads in their quarry. One is quite similar to that black topped one. Lisa x

  11. They're wonderful as they are :)


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Come back soon,I'll have the kettle on .