
Sunday, October 30, 2011

my place and yours

I was a bit hesitant to join in with my place and yours 
this week as the meme is where I sleep .
I didn't want anyone to feel jealous seeing my
 beautiful and scarily tidy bedroom.

So I visited where Red Dog sleeps .
She gave me a wink and said "just go for it!"

I still wasn't quite sure so I wandered around the yard
and then I made my decision .

Yes I will show you the rest of my gorgeous bedroom .

But when I got there the old cat was asleep on
my unmade bed and I didn't want to disturb him .

I hate to disappoint you but the first photo
is not really my bedroom but I can dream .
Image from here.

Hop over to link up here if you'd like to play along .


  1. Thank you, you made me giggle & made me feel like my meme wasn't a total bust this week! Mind you, if you hadn't told us that wasn't really your bedroom, we wouldn't have known any different... unless you're keeping a secret we don't know about... ;)

    Thanks again Clare; I will sticking around with my bat & ball.

  2. lets face it hey it's where dreams happen...hhehehe..good podt cheers Vickie

  3. hahaha - can't help thinking the cat's got a much better deal than red dog and funny I've always thought my bedroom looked a bit like the top image until I went to a take a photo of it!

  4. So are the beds really ours or do our animals just let us use them? Lucky it is your cat that's sharing and not the lovely Red Dog!

  5. LOL - I am dreaming right along with you Clare!!!

  6. Poor red dog looks a bit hard done by....especially when you see where the old cat sleeps. Hee Hee

  7. I do like your room of choice. Your dog is too cute giving you the wink there. :)

  8. hahah ...REd Dog got the cat litter tray or what??????lol..that looks so dogs get out of their beds each time i go near them..grr..wanted one of them too...
    YOUR bedroom is very nice..i would love one like that....hahahha you crack me up girl! have a great week!!

  9. I wouldn't be showing my room at the moment either . It looks like a clothes burglar got in there and tried on everything I own and then threw it on the floor.

  10. That bedroom is gorgeous but I'd much prefer one with a cuddly cat in it. :-)

  11. I think the cats and dogs are taking the limelight this week!

  12. You had me going for a minute there! Love Red Dog.

  13. It is a gorgeous room :) your pets are so cute!

    Bee happy x
    Have a delicious day!

  14. Haaa love your post, just love it :) Hope you have an equally fun week :)

  15. Loved your post . So funny.
    Greetings Martine

  16. What a beautiful bedroom, we can all dream! It would never be that tidy if I owned it. What I love most is being able to step straight outside.

  17. Too funny, Lovely bedroom,tho.

  18. I would not be brave enough to post a piccy of my entire room, bits maybe. Right now, the bed is bare, I bundled up all the bedding and threw it in the wash - checking first to make sure the dog wasn't bundled up with the sheets first.


  19. We can all dream ! That would be my bedroom too !


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Come back soon,I'll have the kettle on .