
Thursday, June 2, 2011

tacky ! yep that's me !

There's was a party atmosphere at my house
the other day with my teenagers .
The reason was that Mums tacky lamp
had finally broken and had to go !

If you know teenagers you can just picture
the eye rolling when I needed to use my lamp
and to make it just a little more interesting I
would always say "hello pretty birdies"
as I turned it on .
This was guaranteed
that I would get an eye roll and sometimes
the bonus prize for me was the big huff
as they left the room sooooo embarrassed of their mother !

Well I fixed those kids of mine .
I cut the cord off and took out the light fitting
so I still have my tacky but very pretty little birdies .


  1. I think they are cute - good on you for keeping them :) Ames

  2. Very cute they are.. and I can imagine exactly what the teenagers were like.. I have my own and they would do the same thing! LOL

  3. ROFLOL... score: Mum 1, Kids nil.
    Too funny Clare.
    Hugs ~ Kerryanne

  4. LOL I can just see the eye rolling going on.
    Cute wee birds, pleased you could save them.

  5. Love them! And I love it when you can win one over the teens. x

  6. LOL, I think they are lovely! I have a tiny porcelain owl lamp. It's broken as well but the owl stayed.

  7. Not tacky, terrific. So glad you saved the birdies.

  8. Love those birdies, Clare! You are definitely the winner of that round!

  9. Love it !! nothing better than outwitting the teenagers, it makes one feel all warm and fuzzy :o) love the birdies. Power to the parent....

  10. When I started reading your post I thought make it an ornament! Great minds think a like. I think they are very cute.

  11. I love it when we can pay out the teenagers! Makes life with them so much more fun!

  12. Oh no - such a pretty lamp - so glad you could keep the birdies!!! Don't forget to say hi to them every morning, in the hearing of teens....

  13. Found your lovely blog today and wanted to say hi! there is nothing wrong with a bit of tack here and there ;) I think the birds are sweet.

    Bee happy x
    Have a delicious day!

  14. I think your birdies are cute and I would have kept them too. It's a bonus that they annoy the teenagers :).

  15. You are not living their lives. You are living your own, and have a right to the things that please you. You'd be surprised how endearing that thing will be to them once you pass. It will remind them of a sweeter part of their lives.

  16. Tacky! I love it! xx Kitschy koo x

  17. That's not tacky. It's vintage...

    You know when you pass away they'll probably be fighting over who gets it....

  18. I'd talk to them even more now they don't have the light, just to annoy the teenagers. he he
    Hello budgie!

  19. Too funny Clare!

    I want to be one of your kids - what a fun Mum you are!

    Hugs sweetie!!!!!! Vikki xoxooxox

  20. All I can say Clare is....... Barry and I are very proud of you! LOL..... He/she wants you over for dinner...... :)Nice save, they are way way too cute for the boot.

    Nat x

  21. Cute birds but try not to embarrass the kids, they'll be choosing your nursing home one day!

  22. Which one will you leave it too in your will?? I bet they'll fight over it!!

  23. I think you and I were cut from the same (mothering) cloth. Ah, the evil. Ah, the eye rolls...

  24. Hilarious! Mine are a bit young to be embarrased by my madness but the time will come! Must hunt out some pretty birdies in preperation!

  25. they are adorable! and annoying teenagers is fun. My mum used to do it to me constantly; when friends were over she'd tell them we were having possum stew for dinner. every. single. time.
    Pepper x

  26. And very pretty they are, too. "Hello pretty birdies". *grin*


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