
Friday, May 20, 2011

you have come to the wrong blog

If you were looking for some creative inspiration
or perhaps a glimpse of my rosy cheeked children ..

maybe you were hoping for some witty banter or
at the very least some lovely neat stitching...

were you breathless at catching a peek at
 my immaculate home
or wanting to see a new pattern release...


you're out of luck ,
 maybe next time !


  1. Know the feeling! I've given up on crafty things for a while. I've been dealing with sick kids and the weather is downright awfully cold.

  2. Are the planets misaligned or something...I've the same crafty/quilty's just not happening...

  3. I was like that a few months ago. Thankfully I got through the fog!
    Hope you get through quickly...
    (lovely stitching though)

  4. Oh I love this post on so many levels!

  5. I can always rely on you for a giggle Clare xxx

  6. That's awesome. Must be friday-afternoon-itis! I feel a bit like that too. Way tooooo many projects on my to-do list, but I think I'll sit and knit instead!

  7. That's awesome. Must be friday-afternoon-itis! I feel a bit like that too. Way tooooo many projects on my to-do list, but I think I'll sit and knit instead!

  8. Clare, doesn't matter what you do or what you say, you are utterly delightful!!

    Hope you have a fantastic weekend sweetie!

    Hugs and love
    Vikki xoxooxox

  9. What tosh. That's banter enough for me and HOW NEAT IS THAT STITCHERY?!

  10. HA!! Love it! Enjoyed this post immensely.. And that is really neat stitching..

    I LOVED that ugly pumpkin. Did it taste nice?

  11. I haven't sewn anything for absolutely weeks and I don't even care! Who cares aye? I have found books again instead.

    That rose fabric sure looks pretty as does that lovely shade of blue cotton. Enjoy pottering around and getting nothing done.

  12. Hello Clare,

    Oh well I got to look at that beautiful rose material. Maybe see the rosey cheeked children next time.
    Have a great weekend.

  13. ROFL - Clare, you are such a hoot!

  14. Oh really... soooo disappointed [giggle].
    Hope you have a wonderful weekend Clare.
    Hugs ~ Kerryanne

  15. I knew I'd get a good chuckle from reading your title....and you didn't disappoint! Thanks, Clare!

  16. Oh I swear I just wrote that post!!! My craft has been shoved under the mat somewhere.... Thanks for the giggle Clare xx

  17. You like keeping us on tenterhooks, don't you? Now I'll be wondering what you're going to use that stitchery for :O.

  18. I see you amuse yourself - you amuse me too. Thanks.

  19. Hope the mojo comes back...I want some creative witty banter, some creative peeks.....

  20. Hey Clare! Nope ... just popped in to catch up with a blogging buddy, so not at all disappointed! :0) We all get the creative 'Blahs!' from time to time ... I prescribe a visit to a favourite coffee shop, preferably in the company of a good friend or two ... or three!! Add a visit to a shop that sells pretty things (fabric, china, gifties, bargains ... whatever!!) then return home, make a cup of tea, sit with your feet up to enjoy it and review your day! :0) Whatever you get up to - have a great weekend! Bear Hugs! KRIS

  21. Hope you are feeling well, anyhoo. There are a large number of allergies, viruses, and whatever else floating through the air! So stay well... Hey, you did do the stitching!!!!!



Thankyou for calling in . I love to receive your comments and try very hard to return the visit .
Come back soon,I'll have the kettle on .