
Thursday, May 26, 2011

my creative space

I was bored for a split second last week so
of course I went shopping online .
I bought two charm packs of Hullabaloo.

As you might know I am not a quilter
 but would like to be so I thought I could
just stitch all these squares together
and then go ta da I made a quilt !

Then I convinced myself if I was capable of
buying quilt fabric I could do something
a little more adventurous .(silly girl)

So my creative space has been full of circles
on squares . I love the handstitching part
but really don't like getting the circles ready .

Hope to show you it all finished by 2020!

Smarter creative spaces here .


  1. I'm a bit partial to a circle too, but the prep is a bummer! Good luck!

  2. Isn't that what quilting is? sewing squares together?? I think you're very advanced with your circles!

    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  3. Oh I love Hullabaloo. I have been eyeing of some charms packs for ages. I love your circles.

  4. Hahaha - 2020 - you're so funny! You'll be done with this in no time, hon. I love that fabric!

  5. Your circles are a great idea. They look wonderful!

  6. Snap Clare! Im sewing Dresden centres this week and it's driving me insane.

    Send me your fabric .I'll make your circles. And then I'll send you my blocks so you can hand sew mine on. C'mon -that's a deal you cant refuse!

  7. I think simple squares would have been fine!


  8. Look forward to the big reveal in 2020 Clare.
    Hugs ~ Kerryanne

  9. I'm a Circle Girl Too & I Love what you are doing with yours...They look Great!!

  10. Don´t be afraid... Make a quilt is just like you said... A little work... some "ta da..." and you have a quilt...

  11. Bored! The woman was bored! Well, at least you didn't eat away your boredom... unless there's something you're not telling us. *grin* I have some wonderful gadgets to help you make you want to barrow them??

  12. It looks great with the Hullabaloo fabrics. I would love to see the finished project. Maybe there is a quilter deep within.

  13. What cute bags...and so nice of you to make them for her....I am sure it went fast...


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Come back soon,I'll have the kettle on .