
Monday, April 4, 2011

memories of The Easter Show

The Royal Easter Show was a huge deal when I was a kid .
I was one of eight children so obviously we weren't
able to go every year but when we did it was
the most exciting thing ever !

We would take our own lunch and walk what seemed miles .
My parents were country people so it was the
woodchopping and fresh produce displays that we
spent lots of time at .

But it was always the dolls on sticks that we wanted .

If you were lucky enough to get a doll on a stick
your life just felt complete .

We would trudge back to the bus with your doll
held high so everyone could see just how lucky you were .
The doll on a stick was placed beside your bed
so it would be the first thing you saw the next morning .

They still  make me smile and I remember
much simpler times and a very happy childhood .

Dolls available in my shop now .


  1. Hi Clare, What lovely memories. I bought some of these dolls at a craft shop a few months ago intending to make a Christmas tree fairy. They are still naked, as we were not in our house for Christmas. I think I'll follow your lead and dress one colourfully finishing off with a stick for my daughter.
    Love your colourful array.
    Have a great week

  2. It sure was a treat getting a doll on a stick...such wonderful memories...

  3. Oh yes, i do remember. The cupie doll was a prized possesion to go along with the fairy floss on a stick. Happy times :)

  4. I have very fond memories of the show... so many! But the dolls on sticks- always a hit.

  5. Those dolls are really cute! I love things that bring back such happy memories!

  6. Love the beautiful colours of your stick dolls. They sure were a special treat.
    Enjoy your memories.

  7. I counted down to the Sydney Easter Show like I did at Christmas time! I loved these dolls - what a lovely trip down memory lane !

  8. I remember those dolls like it was yesterday. I got one once. I have no idea whwre it went so I bought one for Miss P when she was little so I could live vicariously through her.

    What great memories. (We used to take our lunch too - my Mum was very practical )

  9. Thanks for bringing back Memories for Me Too Clare...
    These Dolls were my all time Favourite...
    I Loved the Easter Show...haven't been for years now..since 1989 come to think of it when we left Sydney I made sure we took the Kids for the Last Time...

  10. A doll on a stick meant

    life was OK,

    and that you counted
    and were special..

    much like a louis vuitton bag... or ...


    dolls on sticks were simpler and purer then.

  11. It was the Brisbane Ekka for me.... I used to hook my dolls over the curtain rod and at one point the whole curtain was covered with dolls - I wonder what happened to them?

    Yes, home made Kraft Cheddar cheese sandwiches, a bucket of chips and cheerios and always a cup of tea from the Country Women's Assoc. stand.

    It was the wood-chop and sheep dog trials for us and of course, the Grand Parade.

    AND !!! I don't recall ever moaning about sitting there in the grand-stand all day either - we were given our ONE showbag and were very happy to look through it all afternoon!

    To think.... all of these memories stirred by a picture of a doll..... THANKS!!

  12. Oh, how I loved those dolls on a stick!!

  13. Awwww! I've never hear of 'dolls on sticks' before (did I have a deprived childhood in England???!!!!) I'm kidding! I loved hearing about happy memories from your child hood Clare - and think your dolls are enchanting!

    Hugs sweetie!
    Vikki xoxo :-)

  14. Aah, those were the days. No dolls on sticks here in the UK but I love your story and think they are fab, so colourful.

  15. Oh yes, they bring back happy memories for me to. When I was a kid, my mum didn't drive until much later but we lived within walking distance of the Ipswich showgrounds. I remember the dolls and the fairy floss and us losing my younger 4 year old brother one year - but the police found him, for better or worse :)

  16. Hi Clare,
    I remember these dolls from when I was little. Both my sisters had one each, pink and blue. They used to hang from the gold speckled venetian blinds. I always wanted one but was always told I was too young???? I thought they must have been something special for older children. we were a family of 5 so I am guessing now that mum couldn't afford for all of us to go to the show and purchase three of the dolls as well??
    Yours are so cute.


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