
Friday, January 21, 2011

now we know where you are !

Hi ! Thanks so much to all for playing
"where are you?"
especially the bloggers who have never
left a comment here before and in some
cases had never left a comment anywhere before !
I hope you enjoyed seeing where everyone
comes from , I found it very interesting.

Not a lot of crafting going on here at the moment
as it is still school holidays and we are still renovating .
Just have a look at the beautiful old lino we found
under the carpet in my daughters room .
Whole pieces are being torn up to send to
Liz at Lino Forest go and see what this girl
can do with old lino , genius !

Besides the normal chaos at my house we
decided we needed just a little bit more .
Meet Blue our new red heeler pup !
Just to add to the craziness at our house !

What have you been up to ?


  1. Oh what a gorgeous puppy!! We play endlessly with our huge bundle of 3y.o. German Shepherd joy, oh i love it, family dogs.
    Oh Liz will LOVE that lino, she is incredible, love her work, of course i own a Lino Forest Babushka necklace, love it!! Love Posie

  2. Oh Blue is just cute as a button. I think she will add a fair bit of chaos in your home but you will all love her to bits.
    That lino has a beautiful colourful pattern still. Will go look at the Liz's blog.

  3. Blue looks like a little angel and the lino is fabulous. Off to Lino forest now.

  4. Wow, Just been to Lino Forest. Thank you for sending me there. I made John come and look at the site. I think he will have to buy me a birthday present there.

  5. I am sure it was fun to read where everyone was from.

    What a cute dog.

  6. Oh Oh Oh Blue is gorgeous - you know what I'm like with dogs but he really is sssssoooooooooo adorable! Promise to do regular posts on the little guy!!

  7. How lovely a puppy in the house. He already looks right at home!

  8. LOVE the lino - gorgeous! And Blue is just so adorable, I don't think I'd get anything done with that little bundle around to play with! Enjoy!

  9. Blue is just gorgeous. We have a red heeler whose name is "Ginger". She's 12 years old now and has been a fantastic dog, especially when the boys were very young and at the pulling the tail stage. She never snapped at them. She'd just nudge them with her nose and they knew she'd had enough and would leave her alone!

  10. Awww Blue is so cute. The lino you found is very pretty. Hugs,

  11. Hi Clare, What a wonderful find under the carpet! Just like op shopping! And Blue is just too cute! You are certainly busy. Busy here too in Gunnedah. Tired but happy. Been sewing, blogging, etc. I've decided last night that I like the look of Chain Stitch, but don't care to do it. I haven't got the hang of it yet. I hope I do! Have a wonderful day, Clare!! xxoo

  12. what a handsome boy! Should he be Red instead of Blue?
    Good luck with the renovating.

  13. Welcome to the 'craftroom' Blue.

    Not enough crafting going on in my studio Clare but when I can get out of the mum's taxi run and driving lessons for Miss teen, I'm down there. Too hot for painting today so I'm sewing instead.
    Hope you have a great weekend.
    Hugs ~ Kerryanne

  14. That lino is just gorgeous and Liz is amazing with that stuff!

    What a handsome puppy, hope he is helpful in the craftroom.

  15. Thanks for your post on where we are all from, found a few more interesting blogs from checking people out, even found someone who lives close by and actually bumped into her at work the other day, First time I ahve ever met someone else who blogs, great day

  16. Blogging is really a wonderful job that keep us in touch with others. It is really interesting to get in touch with different people around the globe. It's really interesting.

  17. Gosh, isn't renovating a Joy (not)!!lol!
    We are right in the middle of it a the moment

  18. What a cute puppy!

    Dont think about the overwhelming-ness of the renovation, it'll drive you mad. Take it from one who knows!


Thankyou for calling in . I love to receive your comments and try very hard to return the visit .
Come back soon,I'll have the kettle on .