
Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Shaggy Flowers Tutorial

Shaggy flowers are a great way to use up some scraps
and as they are meant to be shaggy your
stitching doesn't need to be perfect , 
just right for someone like me !

You will need fabric, wadding and felt scraps
as well as a button and a bit of cardboard to make a template .
The flowers I made are about 3" .

Draw a very basic flower shape onto the cardboard .
Cut the shape out , this is your template .
Trace the flower shape onto the backing fabric
(this can be plain as you won't see the back of the flower)

Sandwich a piece of wadding between the prepared backing
and the printed fabric .
Printed fabric down , wadding , prepared fabric with outline on top .

Stitch slowly and carefully around the penciled flower shape
through all three layers .
Only joking it really does not have to be perfect ,
 wonky is good !

Use pinking shears to cut around the flower shape
 close to the stitching .
Cut a circle of felt a bit larger than your button and
stitch the felt and button together to the centre of your flower .
All done and so easy !

These can be used on gift cards or stitched to ribbon
and used as shelf edging .

Or you can secure them to the front of a bag instead of a button .
You could even have one to match your outfit made into a brooch .

 Stitch them to fabric and put them into a hoop
as a decoration for your space .

Let me know what you think of these and
if you make some please tell me as
I'd love to see them .


  1. They are gorgeous! I would love to see them as little hairclip/band embellishments!

  2. Love love love them Clare.. I will certainly be making some of these... Hugs Lisa

  3. Clare they're darling, I love them - I can see one on the front of a Catchit! You know I'm addicted to those....

  4. Clare, thank you so much! What a great idea - we have invites going out on Friday (last day of term 2 in Tas) for my Alice's 7 year old party. I wanted to make them and now I have the idea. Use up some of our cardstock, make cards and stick one of these on the front of each one. Anything to get through the scraps! Ta

  5. So cute....and if you mean someone like me.....not perfect at all...thanks.

  6. These are just gorgeous. I WILL be making some with my oodles of scrap wadding and fabric of course.

    Hugs & Blessings


  7. They are so easy, and look fab!
    Once I am over my yo-yo obsession (I hope soon), I'll be making some of these for sure :)
    Thanks for the tute.

  8. They are so pretty Clare - and a great way to use up some of the lovely buttons we all seem to have.... I love them.. Hugz

  9. These flowers looks gorgeous infact can be easily made, really liked it and will surely try to make it. It's a good way to use those craps and buttons...Thanks for sharing.

  10. Thank you for this great idea. I have so many scraps that I dutifully keep, but little inclination to turn them into quilts (I like to cut up big pieces of fabric into little bits, but the other way around doesn't appeal quite as much!)...but these look so wonderful and so easy to do. They'll help to use up the impulse buy button collection in the process too.

  11. They look easy and fun - might give a go! Thanks for the great tutorial!

  12. Fab Tutorial Clare and I think they are very pretty and look super easy peasy :)

  13. Love the flowers there so cute!! Beautiful blog and nice to 'meet' you too! Have a beautiful sunny smiley day!

  14. Cool flowers...thanks for sharing the know-how...

  15. Thank you Clare for another lovely tut. I am going to make some. Think of all the things you can do with the flowers instead of keeping the muddle in your scrap basket.

  16. They look fab, thanks for creating that tutorial - now all i need to do is learn to use a sewing machine :)

  17. Oh, I LOVE these flowers! Thanks for a great tutorial! These will be fun to create!

  18. I'm so glad you posted a tutorial about these because they are so cute. Another thing on my never ending "stuff I wanna do "list.

  19. Hi Clare,
    Thanks for the great tutorial.
    These would make wonderful embellishments for almost anything!

  20. Thank you so much for the tutorial. These are wonderful. I am looking forward to making some.

  21. Thanks for the tutorial. I already have some ideas for these....after I make them that is!

  22. I have lots of little bits of wadding scraps that I don't have the heart to throw away. Now I know how to use them up. The flowers are so nice and cheeful.

  23. These are seriously so adorable. Thanks for showing such an easy and great tutorial. I'm going to make some soon! :)

  24. These are just gorgeous... such a great tutorial, thks for sharing

  25. They look easy and fun - might give a go! Thanks for the great tutorial!flowers


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