
Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Tuesdays Treasures

I wear this treasure of mine every day .
My beautiful watch originally was given
 to my great Auntie Olive
in 1915 by her then fiance , before he left for war .
Sadly he never came home .

Short and sweet from me today .

Come along and play .


  1. Sad story Clare, but a beautiful treasure..

  2. How sad. It makes is even more of a treasure.

  3. He may be gone, but he will never be forgotten while his watch is worn. You are privileged to be given such a precious item.

  4. Yes a sad story. Truly a treasure. Going to join you in Tuesday Treasures today methinks :-)

  5. How lovely that you can continue to wear the watch and remember their love for each other.

  6. What a beautiful treasure. It must be very special indeed to still be ticking after 95 years.

  7. Clare, what a lovely memory to have - their love for each other. You've just reminded me I have Great Grandma's rose gold watch put away somewhere. Think I need to ask some more details about it from my Mum. I love Tuesday Treasure's as it always reminds me of another treasure I have that I've forgotten about :D! Off to take photos of a few things now and actually participate this time.

  8. Clare--What a wonderful treasure.A reminder of so many things. True love,family , the sacrifice of war.
    A real treasure.

  9. What a special watch. It is beautiful and I love that it has a special story attached to it, even though a bit sad.

  10. Oh Clare what a BEAUTIFUL treasure!

  11. gosh it looks so familiar..pretty sure my sister has my grandmothers watch that looks like that from around the sme time.
    thanks for sharing.

  12. I didn't think I had any treasures to show, but a bit of hunting around and reminiscing of days gone by I found some, thank you for this lovely idea

  13. such a gorgeous watch and a touching story with it Clare

  14. What an honour to be in the possession of a treasure such as this!

  15. Sad story , but a beautiful watch to keep in memory of the fiance.
    So lovely that you are able to wear it..
    Julia ♥

  16. That's a beautiful watch Clare and a lovely story too.
    Hugs ~ Kerryanne

  17. Love your watch and the special tale which belongs to it.

    Thinking a watch from now wont still be ticking in 100 years time.

  18. It is a beautiful watch, and so lovely you know the story behind it.

  19. Lovely post today Clare....such a beautiful treasure for you to have, even though it's such a sad story. Very glad you have it though and keeping the memory so special.xx

  20. That is a very lovely treasure indeed!

  21. There is a blog award waiting for you at mine :-)

  22. Very special treasure to you and Aunty Olive. Thanks for sharing it with us.

  23. Hi Clare,
    Oh, this really is a great gift and treasure!
    How sad but special this story is.

  24. Beautiful treasure and good that you wear it.

  25. I'm not too late, lol - it's still Tuesday here!

  26. A true treasure ... and how wonderful that it is still used and loved every day.

  27. Really a true treasure... But the watch is really cool will surely remind u of him whenever you wear it..

  28. I have signed up,I hope that I am not too late. I shall catch next Tuesday in time.
    A lovely watch and even more preciousbecause of the sad story that is linked to it.
    I have a couple of treasures to show. Your blog banner has a similar style era I think.
    Thank you for sharing this.

  29. I think it is wonderful that you treasure and use this heirloom. My paternal grandparents were married in 1915. I wish i had ask them what it was like living as young marrieds during WWI. How sad your aunt lost her young man. I hope that she found happiness with another.

  30. I love this story , so romantic and so very sad.
    I'm really looking forward to adding my little treasures to my blog, what a wonderful idea. Not sure how I'll go - I've only been blogging for two days.


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Come back soon,I'll have the kettle on .