
Monday, August 23, 2010

The good , the bad and the ugly .

The good news is
The winner of Sew Fabulous Fabric is
Kathy would you please email me with your details .

The bad news is I only have one copy to give away .

This is the ugly ..

Most of you would have gathered by now I'm a bit of a chatterbox
and I love blogging and bloggers .
Each and every comment I receive I read and try and return the visit .
Every single visitor and follower is appreciated .
If someone pops in and has a cuppa I'm so happy .
Unfortunately it's become a little uncomfortable around here as
I have rubbed someone up the wrong way and they are becoming increasingly nasty .
If my being too cheerful sickens you so much , why do you keep coming here ?
Anonymous if you don't like my blog , please don't visit .
If you don't like me , please don't leave comments for me .
Easy !
I apologise to the other bloggers who left anonymous comments
to enter this giveaway , you all left ways I could contact you
and this little outburst is not directed at you
and you are welcome anytime .

All other nice bloggers welcome too , the kettle's on !

I'll be back for Tuesday Treasures tomorrow
and I'll still be cheerful , so there !


  1. Hi Clare, first of all congratulations to Kathy for winning such a gorgeous prize and secondly I love the warm, friendly, bubbly,funny and chatter boxing vibe that you send across your blog and to the blogging world! if you ask me there should be a hell of alot more people like you in this world. ;)

  2. Congrats Kathy!!!

    Im saddened to hear you were attacked. this is a lovely blog and the fact you were attacked blows my mind. Keep up your wonderful bloggy ness!!

  3. Congrats Kathy - great win. I'd love a cuppa with you Clare and sorry to hear you have had negative stuff on your blog... some people have too much time .... just focus on the good things... Hugz

  4. I don't understand why anyone would leave a nasty anonymous comment. If you don't like blog, then you're under no obligation to read it. How strange!

  5. what a crazy world we live in when someone doesnt like know what we say round here?
    'ping ding apple ring' which is code for rack off hairy legs :)
    keep on being have no idea what your little care package all those months ago did for me then and still does for me now and anon will never know cause obviously they just dont GET IT.
    love you clare and love your blog!!


  6. Oh lucky Kathy, congratulations! As for nasty blogging, I don't get it, but best not let it bother you, the good far outweigh the bad!

  7. Congrats to the winner and shame on the coward who left nasty comments anonymously. Really now, there are thousands of blogs so find ones you like and quit reading the ones you don't!
    As for me, I love your blog so keep up the good work!

  8. there are loads of us who love love your blog ! and that's all that matters! don't give it another thought. Would you consider moderating your comments?

  9. Oh botheration! Nasty unhappy blog readers go find something else to do! How rediculous you are. Leave all these lovely happy cheerful bubbly interesting and fun people to us who love them and reading their blog makes us happy. Go Claire!

  10. It is such a sad thing that someone would make you feel bad about your lovely blog - please don't take it to heart, and definitely don't change a thing! (Except maybe the way you review your comments !) I would much rather read perky and cheerful, any day!!

  11. Hi Clare, So sorry to hear you had a visit from a nasty anonymous, they must have been looking for the ever-popular sour/boring blogs and took a wrong turn.

    Keep it coming, we love it!

  12. Why would anyone want to read about your crappy days? I find only blogging happy things and cheeriness helps to keep me cheery. If people don't like that, go read something else! Keep up your sickening cheeriness Clare, there are at least 580 people who love it too! hehe!

  13. Oh why does there always have to be "one in every crowd"???!!!
    So sorry you have had to go through it Clare. But I'm so glad that the wonderful bloggers far outweigh the horrors! I'm sure you have way more of them to add joy to your day.
    Fortunately I haven't had the misfortune to attract one of them, and hopefully never will. x

  14. Chris from NZ said....

    I am sorry you had someone who felt the need to leave negative comments...

    I find most bloggers generous,caring people, with their crafts and thankfully you....

    ...... along with many others have keep me entertained while awaiting a further surgery...later this year...

    keep up the great work
    with thanks from the other side of the ditch

    Chris in NZ :)

  15. Congrats to Kathy, you lucky girl! Clare, don't let the bad comments get you down, there is an element of our society that just likes to hurt and stir up trouble - they don't mean what they say, they're just doing it for effect. Probably didn't have a very happy childhood. Keep smilin' girl, you have so many people who love you just as you are! Delete, delete, delete and don't give them a second thought. They're not worth your time.

  16. Congratulations Kathy! as for nasty bloggers "Delete"! The rest of us love you Clare!

  17. Congrats Kathy, and poo's to the negative person. I just don't understand why they would keep visiting if they didn't like what you had to say. Obviously this person has nothing else better to do with their lives than annoy lovely people like you. Bit sad really. Hugs xx

  18. Congratulations to Kathy.

    Hmmm... bad (nasty) blogging, what's with that??? Just ignore them Clare, they are the one with the probem.

    Hugs ~ Kerryanne

  19. Hi Clare, Sorry to hear you've had an attack of "nasties". If people don't like the blog then don't read it is what i think. I love to drop by & see what you've been up to. Hugs, Jeanette

  20. Know how you feel Clare, I had some anonymous nobody leave an uncharitable comment. What annoyed me most was that I couldn't come back at them at all.
    See you tomorrow!

  21. Hey Clare! Congrats to Kathy - bet she enjoys her prize. As to the very 'brave' (NOT!!) anonymous nasty commenter - brush 'em off! I don't understand people who feel the need to share their nastiness and you sure haven't done anything to deserve it, so, as others have said, hit "DELETE" and enjoy chatting with the rest of us abominably cheerful people! :0) Bear Hugs! KRIS

  22. Hi Clare, Gosh people can be so vindictive at times. The person who is doing this to you must be very bitter and lead an extremely sad life and they are obviously very jealous of you. So Sad. Just ignore them Clare, try not to take it to heart, obviously this person has no heart them selves. I as well as many many more people love your blog, its always so upbeat and positive. I am sure you have bad days like anyone else after all you are only human. Keep up the good work. xxx

  23. You are awesome Clare. You are so cheerful and full of fun and I love visiting your blog. What a chicken that person is even leaving comments anonymously!!They must be jealous of you!It grates me to think that someone is doing that to you.You are appreciated by all of us. Thanks for you generosity with your giveaways and having some fun. Congrats to the winner of this awesome looking book too... Big hugs..Lisa

  24. I love your blog and your cheerful happy posts are a joy. Please keep up the great work and know it is much appreciated

  25. Thankyou so much Clare - I am so excited, and thankyou ladies for the lovely congrats comments! Fellow bloggers are such awesome people, boo to the cranky person I say.

  26. Congratulations to Kathy. I am sure you will have fun with the giveaway book, and also thank you again to Clare for the opportunity to enter :) Happy Crafting, Jenny

  27. sorry you have had some nasty comments. Unfortunately unhappy people are out there and you have not let them spoil your day. Betty x

  28. what a shame - some people are just not worth bothering with!! I keep getting weird comments on my blog and am hoping for someone to tell me how to stop it as i'm a bit of a technophobe!! Your blog is lovely, keep up the good work!!

  29. Lucky Kathy...
    Keep up the cheeryness Clare...the rest of us like it and you.

  30. Congrats to Kathy..that book looks brilliant!!
    What a pity there are people who have nothing better to do than leave nasty comments on blogs...just ignore it and hopefully they'll give up and go away, your blog is great as your 500+ followers will no doubt testify!!
    Em xxxx

  31. Congratulations Kathy :). Can't say anything about the ugly blogger that hasn't already been covered so delete, delete, delete and smile as you do because you have a fulfilling life!!

  32. How very strange - why on earth would you do that e.g leave nasty comments on someones blog :-( Like you say if a blog isn't your thing you don't visit it - simples :-) x

  33. Sorry you've pick up a not nice person - hope they vanish very soon.

    Like others have said - if they don't like it don't read it. Shame really as this is a lovely blog :)

  34. Don't you hate that! I for one, love your cheerful blog and going on the number of positive comments, you obviously have lots of readers who rickon you have found the perfect style. By the way, congratulations to Kathy, she is one very lucky lady.

  35. Hi Clare,
    i don't comment much on anyones blog but I will now. I love your blog, I visit often lurking in the corners normally too shy to say Just ignore them. They obviously don't have much to do if all they can do is annoy people. I love your cheeriness, your writings and everything else.


  36. Congrats to the lucky winner :-) Now who could possibly want to pick on my chatty mate! back off I fishy's always have lots to say that make peoples day hey Clare! I have one word "JEALOUS"...

    I had that on loud speaker...LOL!

    Keep smiling
    Nat a Chat xx

  37. Clare, I love your blog and cannot, for the life of me, understand why there are such negative people out there who are so mean, especially to someone as lovely as you. They are not even worth thinking about for one second. Continue what you are doing, the way you are doing it, as there are hundreds of us bloggers out here who can't get enough of you!!!

  38. What a deserving winner. Kathy is a darling. Tell that nasty person to mind their own business. Lisa x

  39. Clare, I love your cheery chatter blog and come to visit you regularly from the other end of the world. Would I bother if it was not worth it?

  40. Hi Clare, I guess some people take delight in making people miserable. At least blogger gives you the opportunity to delete them and put them in the trash where they belong. If you don't like a blog you just don't visit no need to let the world know how nasty you are. Most of us visit blogs for a bit of escape and happiness keep up the good work.

  41. Sending you a big hug! So sorry about the unpleasantness that pops up from time to time - seems like some people just can't help themselves. My wonderful grandmother always said that if you can't say something nice - say nothing at all! Very good advice...

  42. Hello there gorgeous girl!
    Glad to hear that you are still being your gorgeous bubbly self! So sorry to hear that you've had negativity on your blog... you know I loves ya! Now... where's that cuppa?????? :-P!!!!!!!
    Vikki xoxoxo


Thankyou for calling in . I love to receive your comments and try very hard to return the visit .
Come back soon,I'll have the kettle on .