
Monday, July 12, 2010

Tuesdays Treasures

You may be wondering how these beautiful flowers can be
part of Tuesday Treasures but these particular
 blooms are very special to me .
When I was a little one I became very ill
with glandular fever .
On one of my worst days my dear old dad came
 home from work with a bunch of daffodils just for me .
Not such a big deal some may think
but as I was one of eight
children I thought it was pretty amazing that one
 little person among so many could be made
to feel so special and loved .
My dad at the time was very ill himself
and he died a few years later .
I can never see daffodils without
 smiling and thinking of my wonderful dad .

Can't wait to see your treasures this week !
Yes I know it is still Monday but maybe it is
Tuesday somewhere !
The other reason I am doing this early as
I am flat out tomorrow and won't be
near a computer to do this post .
It also gives some new players a chance to
organise their treasure and add their link here .
I hope I have lots of blogs to visit tomorrow night
as I'll need some pleasant distractions after
the day I know I'm going to have tomorrow .
Have a Terrific Tuesday !


  1. what a beautiful bunch of yummy yellow daffys. and what better way to remember your Dad.

  2. I love your story - what a sweet way to remember your Dad! For me, it would be conversation hearts - you remember, the little candies with "Love You" or "XXOO" or something like that on them? My dad always used to bring me a box of them on Valentine's Day, and they always make me think of him!

  3. Love your story Clare and I hope your day tomorrow isnt as bad as you think it will be. Daffodils always remind me of my daughter ...when she was born my neighbour brought a big arrangement of daffodils into me in the hospital when I had my daughter so they always remind me of when I had my daughter :) When I see them that is the first thing I think of :) hugs Vicki

  4. that's such a lovely story!
    and what a lovely way to remember your dad!!!

  5. What a beautiful story! Great way to remember a special memory!

  6. What a beautiful way to remember your Dear Dad.
    Snowdrops remind me of my Mum.
    Hope tomorrow goes well.

  7. Oh sweetie your story made me tear up - what a treasured memory. I hope I can remember to do this tomorrow, I keep forgetting!

  8. I can see why these are your Tuesday Treasures Clare.....lovely story...

  9. you brought tears to my eyes xxx

  10. Clare what a lovely memory to have ... Bless your gawjus Dad!!
    Joy :o)

  11. Hi Clare,
    Oh, love the story behind your "Tuesdays Treasures" and the Daffodils.

  12. Hi Clare, that is such a lovely story about your Dad giving you those beautiful flowers. I don't think that flower giving was so widespread years ago, as I can remember one of the first gifts of flowers that I received. It was a beautiful posy of violets from my DMIL when my first DD was born. I thought it was one of the prettiest gifts I had ever been given! I grow violets now, and always think of my late DMIL when they flower. :-)

  13. No wonder you love daffodils gorgeous girl... very special memories.
    I'm in again this week. :-)
    Hope you have a great Tuesday Clare!!

  14. That's a lovely way to remember your dad Clare.
    Hugs ~ Kerryanne

  15. That's a lovely story. Daffodils are special to me to. My daughter always brings me a bunch or pot on Daffodil Day. Also some years ago a lovely lady from CWA passed away. At her funeral those of us who helped were given a pot of daffodils. I always think of her when they bloom.

  16. That is such a gorgeous story, thanks for sharing it.

  17. Daffodils are my favourite flower! How beautiful that your Dad did that for you, what a treasured memory! Thankyou so much for sharing it with us!

  18. Sometimes the simplest of acts can live in hearts forever. A sweet story and a real treasure. :)

    I've joined in on your Tuesday's Treasure. Think it will be a lot of fun as well as making me think and be thankful.

  19. I love the story of your Dad and think daffodils are such a nice way to remember them. I love the bright yellow always think of them as 'happy flowers". Hope your busy day went well........... Hugz

  20. clare-that is such a lovely story of your dad and the daffodils. They are always so cheerful looking. Hope you have been able to get all done that you had wanted today.:)

  21. Hey Clare - just loved your Treasure and your story - and such a beautiful memory to have. Hope your day wasn't too over the top for you today!

  22. That is a beautiful memory and reminder of your dad Clare. Why are gifts from our fathers always so precious.

  23. such a lovely post Clare I was REALLY going to play this week and I STILL haven't got it together to get a photo! so slack i know, I'll get there I promise xx

  24. What a special story, thank you for sharing it on tuesday treasures.
    Groetjes van Willy

  25. I love daffodils too. I had them at our wedding shower. Thank you also for your memories of your Dad.

  26. A lovely story and one to always treasure. Thanks for sharing. A really lovely memory of your Dad.
    (((HUGS))) Roz.

  27. that was such a touching post! omgoodness i'm tearing here...
    it's really amazing how certain things will forever hold such a strong and precious sentimental value to us....

    what a sweet thing you did in sharing that with us makes me think of the sweet things my dad and I used to do too...things i'll always treasure, never forget...he's been gone for two years now...

    have a good night.
    ciao bella
    creative carmelina

  28. Hey Clare! What a lovely memory and a lovely way to be reminded of your dear Dad, too. Daffodils have got to be one of the most cheerful flowers, I think, and your Dad obviously was clever enough to know that cheery gifts always make you feel better. Bear Hugs! KRIS

  29. What a wonderful memory!!! Such a sweet story.


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Come back soon,I'll have the kettle on .