
Monday, July 5, 2010

Tuesday Treasures

Thanks so much to all who came to play last week .
Some of you made me laugh and some made me cry but I really enjoyed visiting and seeing your treasures , it was also  nice to see that the others players were stopping over for a visit too .
I have a funny feeling that this game is going to grow and if it does and there are lots and lots more treasures to see I will try my darnedest to visit all but I may not always be able to stop for a chat .
I do hope you understand and please don't think I am being rude .

My treasure for this Tuesday is this gorgeous sugar bowl .
This belonged to my grandmother Daisy who died when my mother was very young
and it seems to that this is all that remains of her stuff .
My mum had it out for "special occasions" and all of us kids loved it .
I especially loved it when I discovered I could climb on the bench
and get into the cupboard and stick my wet finger into the sugar bowl , gross child !
Now here's the good bit (well I think so ) this is not my grandmothers sugar bowl !
A few years ago I came across this one in a second hand shop and it is identical to the one my mother still has .
I have to tell you I was so excited to find one that I almost had a little accident in the shop!

Don't be shy add your link and show us your treasures .


  1. Lovely story about the gorgeous sugar bowl.
    You were so lucky to have been able to buy this one.

  2. That is a gorgeous bowl, no wonder you treasure it??

  3. lol I used to do that with sugar too (and have to stop myself now really :-)). Fab story and great that you found a sugar bowl twin.

  4. Oh I do agree that is one very beautiful treasure...and for it to be the same as your

  5. That is so pretty too....I always wanted this biscuit box my Gran had and then Same as you one the same from the op shop turned up for the grand sum of $4!!!

  6. What a great find - and so pretty. I love the little memory of sticking the finger in the sugar.........

  7. How lucky was that Clare? Now you have your own heirloom and story to hand down.

  8. Love your sugar bowl, yours and your GM's.. it's gorgeous!!

    We used to love Mum's sugar bowl as kids too...funny. It was shaped like a cauldron...weird really... It wasn't wonderful to look at but we loved it because it was always around I think... still is!

    Looking forward to reading about more treasures.

  9. How wonderful that you got to get one of your own.
    I can't believe it is Tuesday already!

  10. Wow - what are the odds of finding an identical sugar bowl? It's lovely and that's a great story!

  11. A lovely treasure Clare and at least now the original wont get broken. :) I have got my treasure up too.

  12. Oh wow! Imagine finding the exact one! lol It's gorgeous too, such pretty flowers. You could do an embroidery based upn it's design!

  13. Hi Clare,
    What a great game you've invented! Now that I know about it I'll have to hunt around for some treasures to share.
    Haha, you made me laugh when you said you nearly had an accident in the shop! What a fortunate find, congratulations!

  14. It is almost a miracle that you found this special sugarbowl. Your grandma must have known how much you liked it and put it there for you!
    Do you still stick your finger in sometimes?

  15. That is way too cute to be a sugar bowl - reminds me of some of my mums treasures which she keeps on display in her beautiful display cabinet.

    Yay for you finding one the same all for yourself.

  16. Tuesday Treasure is a fantastic idea Clare... it's lovely thinking about all the treasures that I have hidden away and remembering them... a trip down memory lane! It will help me do a bit of tidying up to actually find some of them too! LOL!!!

    Love the story behind your sugar bowl sweetie... you mean you DON'T STILL stick your finger in the sugar when no-one is looking?!!! :-)

    Hugs! Vikki xoo

  17. Love the story and love the idea of Tuesday treasures - I'll be back!

  18. Wow, it is lovely. What an exciting find!!

  19. What are the chances of finding another one! Wow!!

  20. aren't the things you find thrifting amazing?

  21. What a pretty little sugar bowl. So glad you found it, now you and your Mom can both have one!

  22. Clare--I loved reading the story on the sugar bowl.It is amazing that you were able to find the same one. Op shops are marvellous places. thanks so much for organising this.

  23. What a pretty sugar bowl, and to find one exactly like your gram's...that something else, a true treasure! xo Paulette ;)

  24. I agree with all the above thanks for having the Treasure Tuesday. It is such fun reminising about these treasures that are on display in china cabinets or on the shelf for all to see but we don't take the time to talk about. I am so enjoying sharing some of my treasured memories.
    I love your bowl I recall my Grandmother with one very similar and we were often caught with our fingers in the sugar pot. What fun to remember.
    Thank Clare.
    (((HUGS))) Roz.

  25. What a pretty sugar bowl! And how special it must be!

  26. Love the story that goes with the gorgeous sugar bowl - both poignant about Gran-ma & hilarious about your excitement. Tracee xx


Thankyou for calling in . I love to receive your comments and try very hard to return the visit .
Come back soon,I'll have the kettle on .