
Monday, June 7, 2010

Many hands make light work .

Some of you may remember my stupidity generosity in offering to make a few headbands for a friends shop , yes I can see you shaking your head and going tsk tsk !
I've made 50 already and now I have 50 to go .
Here is where the favour comes in , I'd like you to make a couple too !
They are very quick and easy in fact after the first 50 you'll really whizz through them .
When you've made a few keep them aside for little Christmas presents Judith will be very pleased with you and so will Kris and Peg as you can count them as an OPAM finish .
Ready to help ? Here goes -
You will need 2 different fabrics as these are reversable headbands ,iron on interfacing, about 15cm of 1cm wide elastic(this length fits mine and my daughters heads you may like to check and shorten if making for a smaller person) and some cardboard for making the templates and of course your usual sewing supplies .
Draw up your templates using the measurements below . I like the top of the headbands wide to really show the fabric , you may like to make yours narrower .
Oh look I've left you a jelly baby in case you're hungry .

Double your fabric and place the wider edge of the band on the fold and cut one piece out.
Repeat with a contrasting piece of fabric .
Press interfacing on the wrong side of one band piece .
Cut 2 fabric strips 5cm wide x 30cm long .

With right sides facing and using a 1/4 " seam stitch top band pieces together .
Repeat with the strip pieces .
Clip curves , I trim the top piece with pinking shears .
Turn both pieces right side out and press .

Turn under about 1cm on the ends of the main band piece .
Topstitch along both long edges .

Thread elastic through and stitch one end to secure .
Pull the elastic through to the other end gathering the tube and stitch the end .

Slip the elasticed tube into the narrow headband ends and stitch securing the tubes .
All done !
I know there are probably better tutorials around explaining how to make these but I've been making so many of these on my own I'd really enjoy the company .
If you are going to make some please leave me a note as I'd love to see them in different fabrics , I'm getting very tired seeing them in these same fabrics .
Because I had to wait for the giggling girls up the back of the class to catch up I managed to get a few extra headbands ready to finish so I'll be off now to do that .
Don't forget to let me know how you get on .


  1. 100 headbands!! You mad woman! I don't think I could ever make that many of one item. How boring after a while. Have you got a conveyer belt system going?

  2. You are a headband machine Clare!!! Thanks for the tutorial... I loved it! Such a great idea and you're right, Judith, Peg and Kris will be happy... it's all positive!

  3. they're amazing, if only I know how to sew, I'd definitely give it a go!hmm, perhaps something to do this summer?

  4. Sheesh...I would take as long as you take to do 50 to do 1!!!!

  5. Thanks for the tutorial - I am going to give it a go one day! I always get sunburn where my hair is parted - maybe this is the solution :)

  6. Great idea Clare...I should make some of these for my boys GF's....great tutorial..thanks for the OPAM plug....

  7. Well done Clare - half way there and still zane (LOL). Thanks for the brilliant tutorial. I recon these little beauties would be great stocking fillers.
    Hugs ~ Kerryanne

  8. wow, that is a wonderful tutorial....and you will be seeing headbands in your sleep now.

  9. Wow - thank you for that wonderful tutorial, Clare. I've got a few wee girls which will make great presents. Thnak you.

  10. I will definitely be making some. I'm going to do a heap for Operation Shoebox and some for my girls....probably won't do 100 though!!! Thanks for agreat tutorial.

  11. thanks for the tutorial, will give this a go with! I love the fabric of the one on your 'model' :)

  12. That's alot of headbands! Working assembly line they do go pretty fast though. Great tutorial.

  13. Great tutorial, my girls will loves these...will let you know how i go. Elizabeth x

  14. oh those are gorgeous....I would try to wear them all at once like your manican is doing! hehe

    great work. ambitious work.

    ciao bella
    creative caremlina

  15. I shall try to have a go my daughter likes headbands she can help me, they do look like fun to make up.

    Take care

  16. Those are delightful - I might just have to make a few for summer!

  17. Great tute Clare :). These are great in summer, the dreaded louse season, with a little tea tree, rosemary or eucalyptus oil smeared or sprayed lightly on them. Lol, pity we can't make the boys wear them!

  18. Thanks for the great tutorial Clare. Headbands are a favourite in my house, my girls would love one of these.:)

  19. Hi Clare,
    Just a short note to say thanks for the headband pattern. I have blogged about it. My daughter has used your pattern on her very first sewing machine. She wore it to school today with absolute pride. Thanks again for sharing the pattern.


  20. Clare you are more than welcome to visit and check out the fabric I used for your wonderful pattern...thank you so much for sharing this!!!


Thankyou for calling in . I love to receive your comments and try very hard to return the visit .
Come back soon,I'll have the kettle on .