
Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Or how Tuesday Treasures turned into Tantrum Tuesday .
I had plans girls, my word I did !
Prepare the first post of Tuesday Treasures on Monday .
No internet .
Scratch that plan , just get the kids off to school in the morning and then prepare post .
One spewy kid at home .
One husband who works outside decided paint wouldn't dry in -3 degrees , wimp !
Do post , add linky .
Internet dropping out every time I almost got the linky .
Finally get linky , cannot get it to go under post .
Finally get post done while taking four phonecalls and dealing with spewy kid .
Go and get tyres for my car for rego (in the middle of doing a post)
Sorry no tyres today lady .
Found that you needed a backpack and a cut lunch
to get to the bottom of the post to leave a comment .
Left spewy kid with wimpy husband and escaped to
The Craftroom.
Played around with the dreaded yellow fabric .
The yellow fabric is what I use when I am trying out a new softie.
Mysterious , unrecognisable lumps have often made their way into my home
where I squint at the lumps and interrogate everyone asking what they think of it .
 It gets so bad family members run when they see
the dreaded yellow fabric approaching .
The yellow fabric would just not play nicely
even after I said secret , special words to it !
Really should have just left the yellow fabric alone .
It was just one of those days .
Let's just hope today is free of spew , wimps and yellow lumps !


  1. What did Scarlet O'Hara say....Tomrrow is another day? or something like that??

  2. I'd have given up on the day after the spewy kid!

  3. Haha, That's todays best laugh. Eventually the spewy kids grow up and have spewy kids of their own (then try to leave them with Granny)
    Wimpy husbands retire and are always home, there was a time long ago when there was no internet but the pleasure of sneaking off to the craftroom will never change.

  4. I'm with Jo, the spewy kid would have done it for me. Some days are just best forgotten about.

    Hope you are having a much nicer day today Clare.
    Hugs ~ Kerryanne

  5. Well I reckon you rock!!!!!!

    Nobody knew that all wasn't well here :-)
    Tuesday's Treasures came and went beautifully and I've had such fun thanks to you, re-visiting memories and visiting new and old friends and their treasures.
    Thankyou Clare!!

    I'm gonna hug you.
    No don't you squirm or run away... ;-) Come here!!!
    ((((Squishy hug)))))

    Do hope all is well or better today and that Wednesday is Wonderful Wednesday in your house!!!
    Mwah!!! xx
    Rob :-)

  6. Spewy kids are no fun, lol! Sorry you had such a frazzled day - hope tomorrow is MUCH better for all concerned.

  7. I agree with all the sentiments expressed by the commenters above and add that that was a full frontal Murphy's Law attack you were weathering. Hope today is a better day!

  8. LOL!! Although it probably wasn't funny at the time, the way you wrote the story is! Sorry you had such a bad day - hope tomorrow is much better for you, and spew free!



  9. Oh my goodness! What A day. I can sympathize with you totally, this sounds like last week for my oldest. Fever, spewing, swollen tonsils, rash, ear ache and the cherry on eye! Sheesh!!
    Keep your chin up tomorrow will be better.


  10. No fair Clare .... that shouldn't all happen in one day!!! Hope today's been better for you ...
    Sending great big hugs!!!
    Joy :o)

  11. I hope today was better for you.
    Sorry but I Had a lovely giggle at your expense but I did sympathise a lot. Does that make it not as harsh?

  12. Mega hugs to you Clare and I do hope today is going along much better for you. Hugs Vicki

  13. errggghh , frazzled over here too- but with green fabric.
    I am giving up for the night!
    Hope the spews are over.

  14. Hey Clare! Oh dear! I must confess to laughin' my butt off at your post!! Not because I was laughing AT you, but because we all have THOSE days where we just wish we'd stayed in bed! :0) Hope today was much better. Perhaps next time you should just lock yourself in the sewing room with some pretty craft mags and let the wimpy husband look after teh spew kid! Tee! Hee! Hee! Bear Hugs! KRIS

  15. Sorry to hear of your bad day but your post did give me the chuckles. Hope better days are ahead!

  16. grrr I hate days like that! Hope today is better for you and thanks so much for keeping going at the Tuesday's Treasures, it really made me smile (and bought a little tear to my eye all at the same time remembering by Grandad) :-)

  17. What a day! I'll bet you're glad it's done. I remember when my kids were young, every time I cleaned the carpets one of the kids threw up on it the first night. I got so that I spread old sheets from their rooms to the bathroom as a precaution. Is that weird or what!

  18. Clare---I am sorry but you do make me laugh.yellow is my mellowing color . Supposed to help. Hope your week improves.

  19. im with liz, you made me have a giggle or two. hope things are getting better

  20. Awww Clare - you make me laugh!!!!

    I love how your family run from the yellow fabric - too funny!!!

    I hope today is a better day! And that your spewy child is less spewy!

    Hugs! Vikki xo :-)

  21. However, from reading your post it seems that you still maintained your sense of humour!!
    Glad I am not the only one who has days (even weeks) of things like this!

  22. Oh dear, laughs and sympathies. There's times you just wish you were elsewhere.

  23. Hope all the troubles are over.
    I can't help thinking why you don't change colours? At least one problem might be solved then ;-)


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Come back soon,I'll have the kettle on .